New here


Active Member
Hey everyone, Im new to this site and hope to learn more in the future. Here's a bagseed that i grew hope it turns out into a female. It was under flourescent when i first started so it stretched like heck. Learning more about growing before i grow better buds. Now its under 23 watt of pc with 5800k. Light cycle is 18/6. Hope you guys like it.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to this site. There are extemely helpful people here. Best of luck with your grow and it is looking good so far.


Active Member
Welcome to this site. There are extemely helpful people here. Best of luck with your grow
Looks nice so far - what's the aim of game for you? You going to flower two plants or you go clone-wild on 'em after sexing?

Peace. D.D.


Active Member
If it turns out to be a lady then ill try to clone like 1 or 2 plant. If its a male then i might just pluck it out and try planting 3 or more so i have more chance of getting a female. I just want to grow a little so in my freetime i can get bake :) Im pretty limited on space right now, waiting to get a new growbox. I use to raise coral reefs so i already have a 150watt metal halide already for flowering if it turns out to be a female :)


Active Member
I use to raise coral reefs so i already have a 150watt metal halide already for flowering if it turns out to be a female
A jack of all trades! nice - I hope you get a lady

Remember, a higher N to even PK ratio will help your chances of getting a girl. My other grow buddies - (who have never produced anything second best) swear by this method.

Keep us posted

Peace. D.D.