New in hydroponics what is the problem(s)


Hi all ,

I am doing my first hydroponic grow in a DWC system. My space is around 1/2 m^2 and i have a tank of around 30 liters with 6 plants;3 fast flowering weed plants 3 menthol and 1 paprika plant.

It's seems that the seller in the growshop didn't give me the proper fertilizers for my grow and the plants didn't get what they needed at the veg phase.Is it too late now to at least recover the damage and grow while they flower?

The light source is a led panel of 450 watts with a lumen output of 21.000

Right now i am on the middle of the 2nd flower week and 5th in total.I was planning to go for 8 weeks flowering and 3 vegging. The plants are from the left to right: 1 x royal queen and 2 x crimea blue at the middle and right.

As you can see the plants are not doing very well .The lower leaves first turned to white and then they dried out from the edges to the core.At first i thought that the problem has to do with too much light, therefore i placed the panel as high as possible.

The fertilizers that am using are the following.The weird thing is that the other plants are doing very good and they look very healthy.Although i know that they might have different needs and be more tolerant.

The ventilation system is ok and the temperature does not rise more that 30 degrees.Ph is regulated to not be lower that 5.8 or higher that 6.4.

Last thing i tried is to add a mixture of nitrites and phosphorus to the solution with slighty noticable I would say positive results.

I really have not idea what they do need and that's why i created this post to ask help from the gurus. I have around 6 and 1/2 weeks of flowering left and i would like to take as much as i can from them or at least find out what is going wrong so the next grow will be successful.

Feel free to ask for any relevant information that i forgot to mention.

check the photos ;)



Well-Known Member
You got a mess! READ!
Have you read anything?
I would start over with 1 bucket 1 seed 1airpump,have no light leaks in bucket,keep water in bucket under 70*(preferrably68*).
I'm not sure what kind of nutes those are I use GH simple and works good.A fan on the plants will help your stalk get stronger.
At least keep just weed in 1 res,I never seen mixing come out good.
I'm no guru,I been round a little while,these are just things that came to mind,better help will come along.
Don't give up! It's DWC-deep water culture-it's to be simple like me.
Good Luck!


New Member
If you plants are sitting at 6.4ph that's way too high for cannabis; the roots probably can't get at some elements... like calcium, potassium, iron, boron especially... so pretty much all kinds of shit. If your ph wants to rise and you have it set to auto adjust at 6.4 max, your water is probably always sitting at 6.4 which is soil ph. I personally stay in the 5.6 - 6.0 range... if my ph is 5.5 or 6.1 I adjust.

I don't know for sure if ph is the problem, but that would be the first thing to start with. Also I hope you aren't using too many nutes or pumping too many pk boosters which can lock out other elements if you use too much.

In fact, I just looked at your pics closer and don't use any pk boosters with those little girls IMO. They need basic care. Make sure you feed lightly so you don't burn them, 200 - 220ppm (x0.5) would be a good start for now. Tighten the ph range around 5.8 so they can use those nutes.


If you plants are sitting at 6.4ph that's way too high for cannabis; the roots probably can't get at some elements... like calcium, potassium, iron, boron especially... so pretty much all kinds of shit. If your ph wants to rise and you have it set to auto adjust at 6.4 max, your water is probably always sitting at 6.4 which is soil ph. I personally stay in the 5.6 - 6.0 range... if my ph is 5.5 or 6.1 I adjust.

I don't know for sure if ph is the problem, but that would be the first thing to start with. Also I hope you aren't using too many nutes or pumping too many pk boosters which can lock out other elements if you use too much.

In fact, I just looked at your pics closer and don't use any pk boosters with those little girls IMO. They need basic care. Make sure you feed lightly so you don't burn them, 200 - 220ppm (x0.5) would be a good start for now. Tighten the ph range around 5.8 so they can use those nutes.
I always feed them with less fertilizer or booster dosage than the recommended just because they are too small.As far as the PH,every time I change the water (which is every 48-56 hrs) I make sure it's regulated at 5.8.Usually after 48 hrs it's increased at 6.2- 6.4. Do you think i should go lower at 5.6 or shall I stay the way I am?


You got a mess! READ!
Have you read anything?
I would start over with 1 bucket 1 seed 1airpump,have no light leaks in bucket,keep water in bucket under 70*(preferrably68*).
I'm not sure what kind of nutes those are I use GH simple and works good.A fan on the plants will help your stalk get stronger.
At least keep just weed in 1 res,I never seen mixing come out good.
I'm no guru,I been round a little while,these are just things that came to mind,better help will come along.
Don't give up! It's DWC-deep water culture-it's to be simple like me.
Good Luck!
Hey , nameno first of all thank you for your reply.Unfortunately it's too late to start over with a more simple system and as I said i have around 6 weeks left for flowering.I just want to find out what is going wrong in the box, correct it and maybe i will have a taste of my first grow. I don't expect much but a decent growth and flowering from now on. I have the impression that something very crucial is missing and my plants are dying.I hope some grow guru will find it out


Well-Known Member
That plant is not going to flower. And if it does.... Maybe 1gram reggie?

Everyone here is right, you don't have nearly enough nutes, or the right set up. Mary should never share root space or res. Hydro ph range 5.5-5.8 water temps below 75. Relative humidity 40-60% room temp below 80. Try again.


Well-Known Member
It looks like cal/mag and n def. But who knows. It also looks like my 13 day old from seed El Nino. Only dying. If I had 3 weeks in my hydro setup she would have several node development and probably around 12" tall. Like a little bush.


New Member
Some ph drift should be fine, you can start at 5.6 if you want. You don't want them to really be over 6.1 for very long. I would stick with base nutes if that was my grow, you might even give them a small squirt of superthrive. Also feeding "lighter than the bottle says" is still often way too fucking much. They certainly don't need bloom booster because there is no bud on them. Maybe someone else will have a better idea, I'm not that great with identifying deficiencies.

Also, I guess you're growing lowryders; I've never grown them, but make sure you light is 18/6 or something... not 12/12


That plant is not going to flower. And if it does.... Maybe 1gram reggie?

Everyone here is right, you don't have nearly enough nutes, or the right set up. Mary should never share root space or res. Hydro ph range 5.5-5.8 water temps below 75. Relative humidity 40-60% room temp below 80. Try again.
I really hope that they will boost and get a bit more than that.I agree that nutrients might are absent but it's seams a bit weird to me that there aren't included in the canna fertilizer A+B for bloom? At least a decent quantity for growth. Those look worse than being in just plain water!
The rest of the plants i putted them after the 3rd week of growing when the weed plants had already start to turn their leaves to white and then dried out.I did that to ensure that the environment and light density is ok.In two weeks they grew extremely fast and a lot;they actually tripled their size in contrast with the little weed plants that stayed the same.Therefore , i agree that it's not good to share the environment and their food but I don't think it's the main problem here.(Although i already took the big paprika guy out of the box).

Room temp is from 23 min to 28-29 max
water temp is around 27 degrees and humidity i can't measure it right now but it shouldn't cause that much of a problem imho like it is now.
PH is being checked regularly and it is 5.8 although i think i might go to 5.6 as the others suggest.

Do you you think that I should buy a growth fertilizer with a basic mix of nutrients to feed them while they are flowering or is too late for that?
I want to make clear that I am not trying to get quantities here, but just learn more about the ideal environment and test it with these plants to make sure that the next grow will be successful.


Well-Known Member
That is not and does not look like calmag def. Looks like you are and have been completely wasting your time. Start reading,, then start over. Those things will never do any good.


That is not and does not look like calmag def. Looks like you are and have been completely wasting your time. Start reading,, then start over. Those things will never do any good.
read again my last post and you will see that you are not helping in any way.


New Member
Your base canna nutes are fine and lots of people grow dank with them.

Here is a ph table... in veg they generally do a little better slightly lower, and in late bloom slightly higher than 5.8 but don't worry about that. Some ph drift is ok.


Well-Known Member
Do you notice a white powder deposit on the bottom of your tank when you change nutrients? It sounds like the pH is swinging so much because the calcium is pulling the high amount of phosphate out of the solution.

As far as the PH,every time I change the water (which is every 48-56 hrs) I make sure it's regulated at 5.8.Usually after 48 hrs it's increased at 6.2- 6.4.


Well-Known Member
I really hope that they will boost and get a bit more than that.I agree that nutrients might are absent but it's seams a bit weird to me that there aren't included in the canna fertilizer A+B for bloom? At least a decent quantity for growth. Those look worse than being in just plain water!
The rest of the plants i putted them after the 3rd week of growing when the weed plants had already start to turn their leaves to white and then dried out.I did that to ensure that the environment and light density is ok.In two weeks they grew extremely fast and a lot;they actually tripled their size in contrast with the little weed plants that stayed the same.Therefore , i agree that it's not good to share the environment and their food but I don't think it's the main problem here.(Although i already took the big paprika guy out of the box).

Room temp is from 23 min to 28-29 max
water temp is around 27 degrees and humidity i can't measure it right now but it shouldn't cause that much of a problem imho like it is now.
PH is being checked regularly and it is 5.8 although i think i might go to 5.6 as the others suggest.

Do you you think that I should buy a growth fertilizer with a basic mix of nutrients to feed them while they are flowering or is too late for that?
I want to make clear that I am not trying to get quantities here, but just learn more about the ideal environment and test it with these plants to make sure that the next grow will be successful.
It's not too late to add nutes. I would add nitrogen potash and cal/mag. Also you're right sharing isn't you your only problem. Your res temp is way to high! It needs to be closer to 22.


Well-Known Member
Do you notice a white powder deposit on the bottom of your tank when you change nutrients? It sounds like the pH is swinging so much because the calcium is pulling the high amount of phosphate out of the solution.

As far as the PH,every time I change the water (which is every 48-56 hrs) I make sure it's regulated at 5.8.Usually after 48 hrs it's increased at 6.2- 6.4.
You change your res every 2.5 days!?! That's crazy! I do it weekly, sometimes every 4-5days.but never less then that.

Why if I may ask? Just to insure higher quality?


Do you notice a white powder deposit on the bottom of your tank when you change nutrients? It sounds like the pH is swinging so much because the calcium is pulling the high amount of phosphate out of the solution.

You change your res every 2.5 days!?! That's crazy! I do it weekly, sometimes every 4-5days.but never less then that.

Why if I may ask? Just to insure higher quality?
It seems that i got miss-informed about many things from the grow-shop guy ):

I guess I should have read more stuff before starting the hydro but i thought it's ok to trust a pro.

But hey, guys thank you a lot for the support! I really appreciate it. I will start by keeping ph at 5.6 and adding nitrogen potash and cal/mag as suggested above.

Shall I start adding the PK after they flower(when the pistils are visible) because i am also restricted to finish the grow in 7.5 weeks from now.So my plan is to regulate everything and give them what they want to grow a bit but at the same time force them to flower and give me some grams in 7.5 weeks.


Do you notice a white powder deposit on the bottom of your tank when you change nutrients? It sounds like the pH is swinging so much because the calcium is pulling the high amount of phosphate out of the solution.
I will check it next time but i think not powder but some sort of grey dirt (not too much).


New Member
Man if you are going to throw away your canna nutes and get something new, just get dyna-gro grow or general hydroponics flora 3 part. I don't know what you mean by adding nitrogen potash.... do you go to home depot and ask for the nitrogen potash isle?


Well-Known Member
I think they mean potassium nitrate? lol KNO3. That's probably not exactly what they meant, but there you go. :)

People on these forums call stuff the silliest shit. Lol. Calmag? That's not even on the periodic table!!

GH flora grow is mostly potassium nitrate.

Man if you are going to throw away your canna nutes and get something new, just get dyna-gro grow or general hydroponics flora 3 part. I don't know what you mean by adding nitrogen potash.... do you go to home depot and ask for the nitrogen potash isle?