New in hydroponics what is the problem(s)


Well-Known Member
Along with the adjustments you are going to make with nutes, I would think of going back to 24 on, and then go back to 12/12 once they recover. Those plants definitely could use some more veg time. You will delay bloom of course, but better late than never. Also try some GH Rapid Start Root Enhancer, your roots look like they could use some. Peace


Well-Known Member
Cal/mag is a calcium/magnesium supplement. If you were running GH 3part for example(like mentioned above) your micro would contain the most nitrogen. Nitrogen is very important for all stages. It needs the most in veg because it all gets depleted in flower. It won't flower if you don't have enough nitrogen.

Maybe those of you that don't understand should read more too. And who shops at home Depot? Lol step your game up


Well-Known Member
Along with the adjustments you are going to make with nutes, I would think of going back to 24 on, and then go back to 12/12 once they recover. Those plants definitely could use some more veg time. You will delay bloom of course, but better late than never. Also try some GH Rapid Start Root Enhancer, your roots look like they could use some. Peace
This shit is good too. Good advice here. This root enhancer is pricey though. But works like a boss.


I'm using Supernatural nutes and so far love them. They have a basic one part but i've added a secondary for micro and macro. When they are little go about 200ppm or so until they perk up. Also, how close is the water to the net pots? I go 1/2 to 1/2 inch into the pot until they root through then go under by 1/2 inch or so. I would turn your lights on 24/7 at least for a few days as well. Also, how far down in the net pot is the plant? Could be the water isn't able to get to it well enough which then means no nutes would be able to either. I'm new to hydro myself so take it for what it's worth but so far so good with mine. Look up youtube there are tons of videos for hydro that explain the basics. Oh and I wouldn't go back to the same guy, he obviously didn't inform you correctly :-(


Oh I forgot the Supernatural nutes buffer the ph so unless your water really sucks that would help. My ph has been great without having to adjust so far. Are you de-chlorinating the water? Looks like you have some white film around the pots which could be hard water. If you have a fish store nearby they can usually test it for you (tell them you have fish)


Well-Known Member
calmag is calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, and iron chelate. You can't have a calmag deficiency, but you can use the calmag product. Calcium nitrate just happens to be the primary source of nitrate in hydro.

dtown, You should try growing with this:


Peace :)

Cal/mag is a calcium/magnesium supplement. If you were running GH 3part for example(like mentioned above) your micro would contain the most nitrogen. Nitrogen is very important for all stages. It needs the most in veg because it all gets depleted in flower. It won't flower if you don't have enough nitrogen.

Maybe those of you that don't understand should read more too. And who shops at home Depot? Lol step your game up


Well-Known Member
calmag is calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, and iron chelate. You can't have a calmag deficiency, but you can use the calmag product.

dtown, You should try growing with this:

View attachment 2656011

Peace :)
My cal/mag has 0 iron chelate. And yes you could have a calcium and magnesium deficiency. But you're right they are not a combined problem.

And no thanks I have my own proven methods :)


Well-Known Member
Soon you'll all see it my way :)

You can get 50 pounds of calcium nitrate (the forth bottle) for 30 dollars at cropking. Look at the bottom of the bottle for how much I put in to get a 2 molar base solution. (432.4g) you guys are getting so ripped off it's not even funny. Everyone will stop talking about their cal/mag deficiencies.

My cal/mag has 0 iron chelate. And yes you could have a calcium and magnesium deficiency. But you're right they are not a combined problem.

And no thanks I have my own proven methods :)


Well-Known Member
LED's look like they work great for vegging, but I've seen a lot of variation (mostly low yields, but some good) in flowering.

I think the big problem with leds usually comes from flowering not working the same because of the spectrum, but usually no problems in veg ever. I don't think it's why your plants having issues now though.

Some of the newer LED systems have done better in flowering so I have no idea if someone managed to "unlock" the secret yet. Does your panel have 730nm leds? I've read that wavelength has a lot to do with flowering because of the phytochrome system.


I so... hope you are wrong about that


Running on 24 now with ph at 5.6 and max at 5.8.They seem to be happy with more light but i am almost convinced that there is something in the water that kills them slowly.Someone here suggested that there might be too much Chloris in the water.As you can see at the 4th pic there is a white film created in only two days.If you observe closely to the photos at the leaves of the plants you can see that they grow green and directly turn to yellow-white from the edge to the center.As i see it, it shouldn't be a problem of nitrites but something toxic that kills them slowly.Do you find it a good idea to buy a anti-cloris chemical?



Well-Known Member
I can't see the pictures.
If anti-cloris is something to get rid of chlorine,don't worry about it,won't hurt.
I got that from a reputable source so I tried it & it doesn't make a difference.
Good Luck!


Your base canna nutes are fine and lots of people grow dank with them.

Here is a ph table... in veg they generally do a little better slightly lower, and in late bloom slightly higher than 5.8 but don't worry about that. Some ph drift is ok.
Are you sure that those fertilizers are safe? Everything shows that something in the water is guilty and It's either the canna flora mix A+B itself, either the dosage of them, either something that i can't imagine such as a very serious deficiency.The PH was always lower than 6 and sometimes it reached 6.4 but let's say only for one day.I am positive that it's not the main problem here,however now i am always lower than 5.8 for safety reasons.I am one step from completely removing them from the solution or adding 1/3 of the recommended dosage to see if thats the problem. What do you think?Any suggestion for nutrients? Somebody proposed GH flora part 3


New Member
You only have a 30L res... so if you want, buy a few jugs of distilled r/o water from the grocery store, and make a new res with general hydro grow/micro or dynagro grow.

That will take your tap water and canna nutes out of the equation. Honestly though.... stuff those in the garbage disposal and start new beans first.


New Member
Looks to me like you have pounded the nutes to them too early, your root mass show that, at this stage your root ball should equal what you see above the water line and its not. You need to pick up a ph meter and a tds meter, these will allow you to give the proper amounts at the right stage. Really though go out and buy a proper 3 part nutrient system and with the meters, you will be in a much better position to dial things in. Got a good bible yet? Here is a decent read Flush them babies out really good, give 1/4 strength nutes or 250-350 ppm until you see them happier then ramp the nutrients up as they grow. Good Luck


If you are determined to save them, I agree with above. Buy the water and different nutes. I use Supernatural and love them, go 200 or so ppm, it buffers ph so you should be good with that. Do you have the ph and ppm meters? You need the ppm meter to see where you are starting from in your water, even filtered water has dissolved solids so you need a baseline to know how much to add. It could also be the water you are using now has a high TDS and adding the nutes is burning them