New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
He said he would not run as an independent- even though the Libertarian party has been asking him repeatedly. The time is now- don't let the opportunity to take our country back pass us!

For anyone just joining us, please read the first post.


Well-Known Member
REPUBLICANs SUCK there the ones who got use in this in the first place. voteing for someone who says they will stop the war on drugs is not good anuff for me what about tax cuts,health insurance,education? vote because someone is the best man or woman for the job. anyone can make fulse promises and REPUBLICANs are good at that. it takes more then one man to stop a war.

OK what about tax cuts???? YOu mean you in favor of a Tax INCREASE?:confused:?? Democrats suck more money out of your pocket smart guy:spew:
I find it difficult to read anything with that avatar, it's way too distracting.

I'd go for RP if I were American he rocks, he just speaks the truth and hasn't wavered in his beliefs.

All the best


New Member
He's running as a republican but he himself is not a republican. For once the third party figured it out, run as one of the two primary. No president is going to stop the war on drugs, what are they going to say to all the unemployed it creates, and remember most of america still believes in the drug war, they believe the lies.

And I agree with Bwinn vote for the right man or woman, which translates as vote for the lesser of two evils. That being said I do like some of Ron Pauls ideas, but he will get no support from our mostly 2 party system.
Ron Paul is a registered republican, he is a republican congressman...if it walks like a duck...:mrgreen:


New Member
OK what about tax cuts???? YOu mean you in favor of a Tax INCREASE?:confused:?? Democrats suck more money out of your pocket smart guy:spew:
Taxes were lower under Bill Clinton than they are now. If George Bush had not robbed all the money out of the social security trust fund to pay for his war, taxes would be really high...


Well-Known Member
You guys who wouldn't vote for Ron Paul because he's a Republican are idiots. Bwinn your an idiot.
I agree. If someone has finally come along speaking the truth, and has the Congressional record to prove it- WHO CARES WHAT "PARTY" THEY ARE FROM. THE PURPOSE OF A DEMOCRACY IS THAT YOU CHOOSE A CANDIDATE BASED ON YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS, NOT THE BELIEFS OF A GROUP YOU'VE LATCHED ONTO.

Have a fuckin' brain and research your candidates- not just what they say they want during the campaign- BUT RESEARCH THEIR RECORD IN CONGRESS, LOOK AT WHAT THEY'VE BEEN DOING BEFORE THEY DECIDED THEY WANTED TO RUN THIS COUNTRY.


Well-Known Member
It is not about party affiliation. It is about believibilty. Do you think a candidate will tell you the truth and NOT change a position when he is in office.History is full of candidates that became bad leaders. One political party does not have the market cornered on liars. And in case you don't understand, party affiliation has alot to do with the demographics of your home district and developing a cash-flow machine to get elected.It used to be common to call a candidate a five dollar democrat. Or a twenty five dollar republican, because of the party initiation fees. It ment they were listed as a party member, but, that fact had little to do with their politics.Nothing has really changed in 200 years, about politics.


Well-Known Member
Taxes were lower under Bill Clinton than they are now. If George Bush had not robbed all the money out of the social security trust fund to pay for his war, taxes would be really high...
A list of taxes the American people pay:

Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Social Security Tax
Medicare Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax
School Tax
Sales Taxes (State and Local)
Real Estate Tax
Property Tax
Building Permit Tax
Well Permit Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Utility Taxes
Severence Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Accounts Receivable Tax
Privilege Tax
Inventory Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Expense
Capital Gains Tax
IRS Penalties
IRS Interest Charges
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Trailer registration tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Watercraft registration Tax
Gasoline Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Dog License Tax
Fishing License Tax
Hunting License Tax
Cigarette Tax

Let us remember- we had NONE NONE NONE NONE of these taxes 100 years ago- also at the time we were the most prosperous nation in the world (for real, not just because the mass media told us), we had NO national debt, we had the largest middle class in the world, and moms stayed at home..

Ron Paul is the only candidate who wants to start hacking away at this list of taxes effecting the American people- and unlike other candidate's he wants to replace them with NOTHING.

This list isn't even including the most dire- the "inflation tax". The US dollar dropping in value "taxes" Americans already struggling financially. The printing of money out of thin air by the Federal Reserve (a PRIVATELY OWNED BANK BTW) is wrecking the American economy- why is Ron Paul the only candidate standing up for the middle class American population?!


Well-Known Member
There are many in the Republican party disillusioned by the last few administrations. Lumping all Republicans is narrow-minded. Beginning a phrase with: "All Republicans" is no different than starting a phrase with "All Christians" or "All Whatever". It is stereotyping and if it is wrong for some groups it should be wrong for all groups, right?

I am not arguing it is akin to saying "All insert-ethnicity-here" as i understand that religion and political affiliation are choices - unlike ethnicity. But I digress ....

Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt were Republicans. I think many Republicans adhere to principals espoused by Republicans like them and are opposed to the current (as well as many past) administrations. Same with the Democrats - not every Democrat is a "Clinton-democrat". And besides, the US is a republic after all.

The divisive speech I hear will not get us out of some of the sticky situations we find ourselves. Name calling and the inability to listen and understand others viewpoints will not pull everyone together - it only pushes us further apart.

I will add the disclaimer (though it should be unnecessary) that I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

I will also add that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. :evil:

OK - one more thing - the fact that we who live in the "Land of the Free" whose founding fathers risked all so that we might enjoy unheard of liberty have to worry about armed thugs with badges bursting into our homes for growing a fucking plant makes my stomach retch.

I think i'm done now - carry on :-)


New Member question are:
1. if we dont pay taxes how do we do the things you are talking securing the border?
2. I'm not saying you are wrong...but I have not found anything that says Ron Paul will legalize marijuana. Would this not take a congressional vote.
3.Ron Paul is 72 years old, the job of president has made even the younger men look old when they done. He will be 77 at the end of his first term...


Well-Known Member
Great stuff HnSM. I agree the government of this country has gotten out of control. It is way too big and has way too much power. Ron Paul is the only candidate who would do away with some of these ridiculous taxes and take away power from the Federal government.

Republicans, Democrats. They're all on the same team. The two-party system is a joke. Ron Paul is the only guy on the other team( our team) and if you can't see that then you either a) have done no research and are talking out of your ass or b) you are an idiot.


Well-Known Member
even through he wants to legalize marijuana it dosent mean he can. it will take more then one person to do this both houses and everyone else has to be on the same boat. not one person can do this. i wish it could be that way. and good for you HotNSexyMilf getting educated on politics i wish everyone would. more people vote for american idiol then who will be are next leader fucking shame


Well-Known Member question are:
1. if we dont pay taxes how do we do the things you are talking securing the border?
2. I'm not saying you are wrong...but I have not found anything that says Ron Paul will legalize marijuana. Would this not take a congressional vote.
3.Ron Paul is 72 years old, the job of president has made even the younger men look old when they done. He will be 77 at the end of his first term...
1) He would only get rid of the Federal income tax which is completely unneccasary. It is used to pay for the debt created by the inflation tax which is created by having our money printed by the banks of foreign countries(The Federal Reserve). If we print our own money, we don't need a Federal income tax.
2) He would legalize all drugs, No more war on drugs.
3) Who gives a fuck if he's the best candidate?


New Member
A list of taxes the American people pay:

Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Social Security Tax
Medicare Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax
School Tax
Sales Taxes (State and Local)
Real Estate Tax
Property Tax
Building Permit Tax
Well Permit Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Utility Taxes
Severence Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Accounts Receivable Tax
Privilege Tax
Inventory Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Expense
Capital Gains Tax
IRS Penalties
IRS Interest Charges
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Trailer registration tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Watercraft registration Tax
Gasoline Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Dog License Tax
Fishing License Tax
Hunting License Tax
Cigarette Tax

Let us remember- we had NONE NONE NONE NONE of these taxes 100 years ago- also at the time we were the most prosperous nation in the world (for real, not just because the mass media told us), we had NO national debt, we had the largest middle class in the world, and moms stayed at home..

Ron Paul is the only candidate who wants to start hacking away at this list of taxes effecting the American people- and unlike other candidate's he wants to replace them with NOTHING.

This list isn't even including the most dire- the "inflation tax". The US dollar dropping in value "taxes" Americans already struggling financially. The printing of money out of thin air by the Federal Reserve (a PRIVATELY OWNED BANK BTW) is wrecking the American economy- why is Ron Paul the only candidate standing up for the middle class American population?! 1905 we we did not need a telephone tax since there were no telephones.
I live in a state that does not have a state income tax.
If employers were not forced to provide workman's compensation, then when you get hurt on the job like 100 years ago you were shit out of luck.
Also 100 years ago there would not any need for automobile taxes...since there weren't any.
Do we really want to go back to the way it was 100 years ago, because the odds are you would have died giving birth.
I could go on but this silly, the middle class did this to themselves.


Well-Known Member question are:
1. if we dont pay taxes how do we do the things you are talking securing the border?
2. I'm not saying you are wrong...but I have not found anything that says Ron Paul will legalize marijuana. Would this not take a congressional vote.
3.Ron Paul is 72 years old, the job of president has made even the younger men look old when they done. He will be 77 at the end of his first term...
1. If we reduce the Federal Government's budget to that of 2000, ONLY 7 YEARS AGO. We can get rid of the Federal Income tax- our Federal Government makes lots and lots and lots of money from other means. (less than half of the federal government's income is from the "federal income tax" paid by regular Americans)

One of the many many many videos.

3. Who fuckin' cares? I'd rather have 1 year of Ron Paul than 8 of these other jokes.


Well-Known Member 1905 we we did not need a telephone tax since there were no telephones.
I live in a state that does not have a state income tax.
If employers were not forced to provide workman's compensation, then when you get hurt on the job like 100 years ago you were shit out of luck.
Also 100 years ago there would not any need for automobile taxes...since there weren't any.
Do we really want to go back to the way it was 100 years ago, because the odds are you would have died giving birth.
I could go on but this silly, the middle class did this to themselves.
So because we create new technology the government should punish us right? Yeah.. that makes sense. The point is, that we don't need this excessive amount of taxes- do we even remember what started the American revolution?! The current state of this country is sickening- the amount of bullshit we put up with just keeps gettin' higher- WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE.


Well-Known Member
there is more to life for me then doing drugs. but if you think he is the right man vote for him. all im saying is people should vote because they beleave in there hearts its the right person for the job and not because someone is just saying what you want to here.
and this is a good thread i havent seen any bashing goes to show you where all open minded people and thats what i love about this site


Well-Known Member
So because we create new technology the government should punish us right? Yeah.. that makes sense. The point is, that we don't need this excessive amount of taxes- do we even remember what started the American revolution?! The current state of this country is sickening- the amount of bullshit we put up with just keeps gettin' higher- WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE.
ya tell me about it i live in massachusetts or lets say taxachusetts