New leaves growing 'bubbly', singular, twisted, and concave down

... if that all makes sense :) If not, see pictures (apologies for the cell phone pics, my good camera is down while I track down its charger).

Strain: Pre-98 Bubba
Age: 3-4 weeks into veg
Light schedule: 18/6
Medium: Clones in 3" rockwool cubes, surrounded by hydroton, in 6" round mesh pots
System: Hydroponic Ebb/flow, flooding twice a day for 13 minutes (more than previous grows w/ 6" rockwool cubes but the rockwool is small and dries out fast, so I assume it requires more water)
Temp: Has been high 70s consistently on average. Has gotten into low 80s some.
Humidity: 50-55%
Hydro pH: 5.8 currently
PPM: 1000 currently, using Sensigrow A/B, CalMag, Sensizyme and Superthrive

Some of my bubba's are exhibiting a strange leaf growth disorder and I'm wondering what caused it. None of the standard remedy charts I have seem to mention a similar condition, though the Calcium/Magnesium one did describe twisting leaves so I added some more CalMag.

Basically, a lot of the new leaves are growing out singularly or at most three, and appear disfigured - the often appear 'bubbly', with a different surface complexion. IN addition, they seem to form concave down... to be clearer, the outer rims of the leaves stay low while the leaf bridges up in its center, kinda looking like a suction cup. Finally, there is some rust brown on some leaves and some twisting, as I mentioned.

Any idea what this is? Let me know if you need more information. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
The brown on the edges & tips of the leaves are classic signs of nutrient burn:lol:I'm thinking your ppm is a little high:clap:Are your ph and ppm meter in good operating order:-o
yeah, i calibrate them regularly and both are pretty much new. i finally have a pH meter i like, actually... took a while (and some $) to find one