New leaves pointing up... Should i worry about?


New Member
Its my first post so i want to say hello for every one!!

I found one thread about maybe same case but cant see the pictures so im not sure.
As you can see new growing leaves on tops are pointing up and the tips of leaves are curling. when it grow and gets bigger looks ok....
Its 5 weeks old Auto Mazar in DWC, 150w HPS 18h/6h, humidity 40-60%, temp. 22-28.

Sory for my english and pictures under light but the problem i think can be seen easly.

Thanks in advance.



New Member
Ph 5,8 then im waiting till drop to 5,5-5,6 and again raising to 5,8-5,9 just with the water with nutrients as she drinks about gallon a day. Air circulation should be good unless too much fresh air can be a problem ;).

I do not watering my pots from the top, but pebels looks dry above the lid and wet beyond.

Antman what you mean "get those in line"?

I will raise light as you said.
But my problem is there is not much space left and she doesnt even start to flower.....


Well-Known Member
I mean just to make sure about your Ph, air circ, and heat as they can all help cause your symptoms. Last time I had what your pics show it was heat stress/poor circulation. However, I have read that Ph can cause this.

Height is a problem in tents...especially a 5 foot one. It's an auto, so don't pinch it, but you can bend it over to even the canopy.

Do you have an exhaust fan for the tent too? Or is it just that little clip on?


New Member
Sory i miss understund. I have inlet fan, outlet fun, and 2 circulation funs. One at the very bottom spreading air from inlet air pipes and one under the lamp.

The closest top is about 30 cm under the lamp but the other tops which pointing up as well are about 60-70 cm from the light and its only 150 watts.

Can the highest top which may get too much light affect lower tops as well and they reacting same?


Well-Known Member
ok, just make sure that you have fans blowing through the plant upward. That way you are circulating cooler air. What I mean is make sure you aren't circulating hot air down. Tents trap a lot of air and temps can go crazy. Good luck.