New Light - Ballast Adapter issues


Well-Known Member
Switched out the old wing reflector for an aircooled one. Only problem the ballast I purchased with the winged relfector will not match anything I have ever seen online, in stores etc.

Has anyone re-wired a brand new hood setup due to this issue? Thoughts of using the wiring from the old reflector on the new hood. Should I just purchase 2 new ballasts?

Here is a photo of what I am working with. I need to make this plug from the light

Fit into the ballast

Any help? Advice.
Good call. Simple cut & re-wire and it should work... I will take the male cord & cut it back a few feet off the old cord so I can wire it into the new light.

I would suggest getting some wiring nuts for a little extra safety they are like 2 bucks at a hardware store.then make absolutely sure that the wires cant ever touch and tape it up... as far as I know you'll have a a white a black and a green wire so it's pretty simple.