Not tried EB strips but I do grow with quantum boards and cobs.
720w of citi 1825s ( 9 cobs no reflector) Vs 570w of QB (2x 260w kits)
Each covers a 4x4 area.
The QB penetrates further down than the Cobs, maybe that would be different with reflectors but couldn't find a holder to handle the voltage at the time.
I pull the same weight and density off either side but I trim lower stuff on the cob side maybe 9" lower than the QB side.
Its all relative, depends on number of cobs per square foot or number of strips or boards and how hard each is run.
I like both, my GPSF is around the same but my GPW is higher on the QB side. Both grow 6.5-8oz plants (4 per 4x4)
I own both, I love both so I'm not biased. If I was going to set up again from scratch I would go with 5x 260w QB kits across the whole 8x4.
Why? because they are easier to move, lower or raise than my cob fixture, faster to put together. About the same price. But more efficient in comparison to what I built. I'm sure the same efficiency can be achieved by cobs but would cost more in heat sinks, cobs, drivers to power more of them softer to achieve the same PPFD.