Well its been awhile since I've updated the light. I've flip flopped on several things but it's starting to get ironed out.
I was orginally designing a power distribution cct centered around an HBG-160P-60, but as I got deeper into it I decided to go a completely different route and design an integrated PS specific to the exact electrical demands of the individual channels. I thought I would be able to achieve better efficiency by designing for exact specs. This has been a lengthy process but am finally getting numbers where I want them. During this time I've gone back and forth about keeping the white CCT chips or tossing them. I think I've finally made a decision to keep some but I've decided to part ways with the Optisolis.

The Opti's are a nice 1 chip solution, but just didn't fit well with a multi channel fixture imo. Also, the green mono chips are just toooo inefficient to use if only trying to create white light, imo. Imo, if trying to create white light, using a 3000K phosphored chip can supplement your green monos to help maintain efficiency as well as add some amber at a much better μmol/J than the best monos can (cyan, green, & amber are all dismal efficiency regardless the brand)
15 different chips will make up the fixture, though hoping it will be 16 if I can find a half decent 680nm chip (Alibaba were only 2% efficient!). Give me a shout if you've any 680nm chips for me to look at.
Each channel will be infinitely tuneable via local POT or Wi-Fi, but I'm also going to add some pre-tuned selections.
Attached are the pre-tuned SPD selections I'm probably going to go with. Each selection will be designed to be capable of outputting ~900PPFD, though if custom tuning is selected, at system it's calculating up to 1500PPFD+