New MadMan OG *INDOOR SOIL* Grow


New Member
Photo on 7-14-13 at 5.37 AM.jpgPhoto on 7-14-13 at 5.35 AM.jpgPhoto on 7-14-13 at 5.34 AM #2.jpgHello im new to the forums and only slightly to growing ive had 1 hydro grow before this but due to money and space issues and doing soil in a restricted space. Since this method and space is a new to me i dont know how i should keep it inside effectively and keep it thriving with only a 3 fan germicidal fan and 400w HPS light. It gets pretty hot in there as you can see the space is limited but its only 1 plant so its not a big deal i wouldnt think. I mightve over watered it the first day on accident and the soil has been drying this is the fourth day. I water it every other day but as for right now im going to let it dry out then continue the regiment in less amounts after it drys out a little more. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!:leaf:
*MadMan OG (in potbag)
*FoxFarm OceanGrow
*400Watt HPS
*3-Fan Germicidal Fan


Well-Known Member
That space might work fine. You will want to be driving fresh air
in though...or the heat will build up, I am sure.

That breed sounds interesting.....good luck!



New Member
I originally had the plant outside but i brought it inside for her to grow a little stronger before i set it outside again. I have the light on 24hr and everyday add the time when the light is off by 1 hour everyday. So today its 21/3.. Until i get to 12/12 then im moving the plant outdoors.
If you guys have different regiment you believe is better i would love to hear this.:shock: