New member, NEW GROWER , Need HELP!,


Well-Known Member
Hello every one I'm fairly new to growing, i have this box that i bought off ebay

I have my seedlings in a DWC setup, with rockwool and hydroton

NOW my problem is on the hydroton rocks their is some white residue on them, can anyone please tell me what this is?, an if its a problem how can i fix it?:wall:

If i could get any of these seeds to sprout i will be starting a journal on this site


Well-Known Member
yea salt or if you use normal tap water maybe Lime ? (lets not hope its any kind of mold/Pm)

do you use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) ?


Well-Known Member
well i started out with a water that i ph down with some lemon juice and i did the same for the water i dipped the rockwool in?, how should i apply the peroxide?


Well-Known Member
You don't need much H2O2, if it's from a hydro shop just follow the bottle instructions. Otherwise someone here on RIU will tell you, it's been a while since I ran I can't recall

It keeps your nutes clean, adds extra O2, and kills/prevents mold

I use to just pick off the pebbles with the most salt build up, and never found any problems...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
nice movie collection :)

i prefer not to use h202 i use clorox bleach 8 drops per gal

if you have fugas growing already and they havent even sprouted yet cut your losses and plant those beans in some soil, because if that's the case you have a long road ahead my friend


Well-Known Member
its not on all of the hydroton tho an their is none on the rockwool, its like just a few rocks on the top, so should I mix water and peroxide and spray it on ,my hydroton and rockwool?, or just add the peroxide to my res?


Well-Known Member
if your seeds havent sprouted yet remove them from your system and soak everything in a strong h202 or bleach solution overnight you can just mist the rockwool untill they sprout


Well-Known Member
so i rinsed everything out in water ph'd at about 5.5 added 3/4 cup of 3% peroxide and then i did the same for my res water now their just sitting in the box waiting for results


Well-Known Member
^i have another question, i did as stated above and cleaned the hydroton of but a few hours later an the stuff is on their but not as bad,

I started out using the hydroton straight from the bag , and the rockwool i dipped a little in water that i ph down lemon juice & then changed the res water 2
Then today i dipped everything the netpot, rock wool, hydroton , in to the ph'd down water with peroxide in it to clean the rocks,.

so like i said after all this the rocks still seem to have some of this residue on it, could it be i didn't rinse off the hydroton in the first place?

an would it be possible to just take the rockwool out the net pot and hydroton and out of the res an leave it by itself under the lights in till it sprouts ?
i think the rockwool might be a little to moist for the seedlings to grow, an i also want a chance to rinse and soak my other hydroton before i put the whole system back together


Well-Known Member
from the sounds of it you have fungus the fking bane of hydro growers existence if this is your first grow/first hydro grow i highly suggest just putting those cubes in soil like i said before battling fungus/pyth can be a long exhausting discouraging road sometimes that leads to nowhere, that no amount of bleach, h202, physan 20 can get rid of only temporarily treat, that you will have to constantly keep a eye on the fact that it has shown its ugly face so early leads me to believe that the environment is far from ideal time and time again its been proven that the only way to fully cure a crop of fungus/pyth is breeding beneficial bacteria which happens to be another can of worms or however that phrase goes

of coarse i'm just assuming idk the extent of your growing experience other then your topic title if you truly are a new grower you should really start soil anyways until you are familiar how weed grows and have a few runs under your belt. hydro is much easier then soil but there's alot more that can go wrong that could kill an entire crop before you even have time to fix it, for example fungus

anyways i wish you luck with your endeavor be patient happy growing and stay high:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Checked on them right now, an saw a stem almost bout to surface the rockwool on one of them, and the hydroton seems to me like their just dry,
cause none of the rockwool has any of the white stuff on it, should i just leave it alone or do like i said and leave the rockwool by its self and take it out the system while i rinse off some new hydroton and soak it in some ph'd water then put my system back together ?


Well-Known Member
leave them out i actually let my beans sprout and wait about a week give or take untill i see roots popping out the bottom of the cubes then put them in.

the system wont be doing anything beneficial until then anyways just cut the top or bottom off a 2liter bottle and cover those cubes to keeps rh up and keeps them from dying up too fast i use a humidity dome


Well-Known Member
will Sunday lids from McDonalds make good use for a humidity dome?,
oh and thanks for all the help, I understand soil would be good for me as my first grow, but i want to learn as much as can, an the only way i know how is trial and error, and i figured if i learn hydro first my transition into growing w/soil would be practically effortless

but if these fail i might just order some autos and plant with soil , but not in till i try to do the most i can with the hydro


Well-Known Member
this is how i have them as of now the one in the front is the one that i see a stem growing in the rockwool the rest I'm unsure of, So once i see some roots breaking thru i can go ahead an throw them in the net pots and dwc system , and should i water the rookwool at some point or is it good enough alone


Well-Known Member
went to check on the seedlings in rockwool, the one on the right sprouted like a mother fucker so much it tilted over so i put it the right side up and move them about 4-5 inches from the light gonna take a lil nap an check them again