New MG Coco grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Professor. Didnt know it had been around that long. Wish I had more people trying it out to see how their grows came out. It does have a lot of nutes in it. They then say add bloom ferts after 30 days. I don't want to burn my plants up.


Well-Known Member
Here is an update of mi ladies.
So my PE and Blueberry Gum are getting bushy. Is that Ok? I am not doing any type of training on any these girls as growing 12/12 from seed gives little time for recovery. My bagseed seems to have stopped stretching at about 15in tall. I lost two of my original line up the caramelice i wanted that one bad and my fruity chronic juice didn't make. They were replaced with Dinafem Cheese and emerald triangle Bubba 76. Both are just starting and doing great. This is my fourth grow and all of the reg seeds that have ever germ'd and gromn for me have been girls. Kmock on wood and hope that luck continues in the future. I have 5 girls growing and will update at least once a week until harvest, sooner if i encounter isses and need help or advice. I also have an Auto Hobbit that will be added in near the end of this grow. Stay tuned and please feel free to comment post pixs of your own grows or give me any advice. Its my 4th gro but i'm still new to this, any help is appreciated. All I ask is that all drama be left out please!


Well-Known Member
New update:

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Check out my Pineapple express she is really branchy. I grew two others that were no where near this branchy. Anyone have an idea of why this happens. I'm using a 250 watt MH bulb. I guess everything else is going pretty good. any comments welcome.


Well-Known Member
I left town for a week and watered my plants really well. I left them all in what u thought would be a weeks worth of water. My three bigger plants were all bone dry and dropping bad when I got back. The little ones did fine. My largest plant, the bag seed lost all of its fan leaves. It still has its inner smaller fans leaves but it looks bad. I will post pics later. My other two plants lost some fans but not all of them.


Well-Known Member
Help me out with this plant. All of the large fan leaves died and I'm not sure it is still growing. It is not drinking water like it was before.
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Are these what I think they are? I've never seen boy parts before, please tell me they are not! This is suppose to be a Bubba 76 feminized seed! The only reason im not completely over the top pissed is because it was free.

edit:Can't get the last pic to post, will try later


Well-Known Member
Here is an update on my grow. Lost some growth and leaves do to a drought last week while I was out of town. Had to get rid of a dude plant in my tent also. My bubba 76, turns out fem seeds don't always turn out fem. Who knew that shit! Lucky it was free.

1st is my blueberry gum, 2nd and 3rd are Cheese, 3rd is Pineapple express.

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Well-Known Member
Update finally loaded! Have had some issues. After the drought two weeks ago alot of leaves kept yellowing on me. I ph'd my runoff and it came out super hot, 3.5 to 4.5 was the range. using the ph drop indicator liquid, and comparing color to chart. I then started watering with 7.0 phd RO and rain water, runoff came out at 5.5-6.0. so i figured my coco ph must be super low locking out nutrients. Decided to flush my pots with 7.0-7.5 phd water, brought the runoff ph to 6.0-6.5. trying to get coco ph up not sure if this is the correct route. Anybody have suggestions? Please help, any advice will be accepted.

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Well-Known Member
This is my cheese plant a couple of days after the flush. Leaves are still yellowing pretty bad. I have to get this one under control, it is only 5 weeks from seed.


New Member
Man I hate to see your dilemma there , I sense that your time released capsules have burst and thrown the Ph low , Coco itself does not drop in pH as it ages like Peat does so I would not do anything but flush and flush with a neutral pHd water .. 7.0 would be what I would use .. With the roots established you can flush this product easily

It will help to do this in a bath tub .. I would flush with at least 3 times the pot volume and then feed mildly with a ph on the higher side untill she responds .. I suggest staying at around 6.0

Edit , I was high and forgot a few words , seems common here though !


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks professor. I will keep flushing. When you say flush three times, do you mean three separate times or all at once.


New Member
I would flush with 3 times the volume of the pot , sorry got sidetracked with a joint and forgot to state that !
Post fixed , thanks man


Well-Known Member
Is this plant fck'd or can i get somethign from it. This is the one that got droughted really bad. All of the large fan leaves died about 2wks ago. most hairs have browned and receeded, and i have about 90-95% cloudy trichs; the little one i do have anyways!

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Well-Known Member
Update o0f my grow to this point.

100_0911.jpgAuto hobbit i have on 18/6 under 3 23watt floros. 2 weeks

100_0915.jpg100_0918.jpgmy pineapple express week 7 flowering. Top cola gaining wieght so i had to use a stick to support.

100_0912.jpgDinafem Cheese week 6
100_0922.jpg100_0923.jpgBlueberry gum week 7 flowering.
Im thinking maybe two more weeks on the Pineapple and blueberry. I am going on break in two weeks so that is why im thinking then. I will be able to water the Auto hobbit and Cheese really well as they are in bigger pots. I am also thinking of maybe moving the pineapple and bluberry into larger pots before leaving but it is so late into flower i dont want to try it. I grew them in small pots purposely for height purposes but now i need the size for watering. I may just water them really well and chop when i get back. that will give them an extra week and they will be nice and dry and ready for harvest.

any comments and or suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Very nice grow Tictok. Your dried out girl is rather ugly but she is still maturing, I'd let her finish.

I've never seen this medium before, it's not available where I live. I've been using Scotts control release ferts with perlite, for several yrs, and have switched and completed a couple of runs using coco with osmocote.

The NPK ratio is very similar to Osmocote Plus, does the bag list including any micro nutes?

Did you adjust your ph? Do you know what the ph of your feed water was?

Did you have to add any cal/mag during your grow?

I hope you don't mind the question.


Well-Known Member
Hey wattsaver thanks for dropping by. No prob with the questions, glad to have you check out my journal. I didn't check my feed water properly at first. I have this ph, light, and moisture probe. It told me my feed ph was neutral, even after adding nutes. So I kind of knew it was wrong but was lazy and fed with it anyway. After I started having issues I bought the ph drops and found out that my fees ph was at 4.0-4.5 I was shocked to say the least. My runoff was even lower! So I started ph'ing my fees to 7.0 and checking my run off until it was at or near 6.5. It took a lot of flushing. Advice I got from the professor (thanks). I started cal/mg after the flushings, then switched to molasses after some research and reading other posts. I was able to slow the yellowing and get a little control over my leaf problems. That dried out girl had to go ahead and come down. It was stressful and I just didn't think it was going to do much else for me. I have to tell you she smokes great.


Well-Known Member
This doesn't look like over watering to me. Plus I am growing in coco which is suppose to be impossible to overwater. someone check it out and give opinions please. I also added some picture of my other plants and my tent setup.

Also think I have a girl. The one i'm having problems with. Its the only one and it's a bagseed. I don't want to lose it since I think it is a girl.

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If that is the only leaf on there doing that, I would suggest you may have splashed something on that leaf.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bakatara. The plant grew through that little issue thank goodness. Then I turned around and let it dry out too much and almost killed it. She was harvested and smokes better than the bag I got her out of. I love growing my own weed, this shit is crazy!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing the info with an honest journal. I was hoping that Scott's was trying to make a container specific medium using coco that was just add water. But it sounds like you still had to add cal/mag, like most brick coco. And adjust the ph.

I have one more question, you mention adding nutes with your waterings? I had assumed there was no need to add additional nutes, with this product straight out of the bag.

I use OC in coco, adjust ph, add cal/mag, use no other nutes. I was hoping for an even easier method.


Well-Known Member
Hey Wattsaver, Well let me explain. I used this mg coco in my last grow before this one and it was super strong. I knew going into this grow that the mg coco would burn my plants once they entered flower. What I thought would be a good idea was to reuse the old coco so that it would not be as strong. So my plants started growing and almost immediately I could tell that the used coco was def lacking in some needed nutrients and began supplementing to find out was was missing.

MG coco straight out of the bag is great for vegging but once your plants start flowering it is not a great product. It is either to hot for flowering plants or its lacking something. After some reading I think it might be nitrogen. The plant may use most of it up in veg and them its not enough left for the plant when it is flowering. I know you don't need or want much during flower but you still need some.

Im still trying to figure this whole grow at home thing out so don't take me as an authority on this matter. Just my own thoughts.
Let me know what you think.