New mini split condenser questions


Well-Known Member
Im getting ready to start the hvac system but it says to turn on the compressor for 12hrs before starting.

I dont get that. How do you turn it on, but not started it.
Power up the condenser but do not enable cooling. There is a crankcase heater on the compressor that needs to warm up the oil in the system prior to starting it.
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Now I have another question. I plan on sealing these rooms off and running co2 but the installers made 3" holes in the walls to run the linesets and condensate and there is a lot of gap around them. Also where the mains exit out to the condenser.

What should I use to fill that void that wont crush the condensate tubing?
Spray foam will let light through. My mini split came with puddy type material to fill hole with it was pretty good but could have used more to be completely light tight. I used some puddy I found at the store I think it was plumbers puddy. Works well.
just spray foam let it expand and harden the next day or whatever cut it off flush with an exacto knife then run a bead of silicone overtop around each opening should be a nice finish
I always use Inaba denko line hide fittings, and duct compound or silicone to run and seal my linesets
They also sell a neat plate with a rubber outlet you can use but it needs to be slid over the pipes before connecting to the condensor