New morthern lights sprouts round leaves curling up, don't looke healthy.


This is my first grow and i'm on day 4 of germination, the sprouts came up last night and 6 hours after i checked them the round leaves are curling up and just don't looke as good as they did this morning. Temps been 77-81 and hum has been 48-60's. i had baggies over them for humidomes and there was a lot of moisture building up on the bag. Thinking it might be too much moisture or too much heat under the bag. I'm using a 4x4 box with 6 inch exaust and a 600 watt mh at 50% with an air cooled hood. it's about 16 inches away and can't feel any heat on my hand at plant level. I took the bags off thinking they need to dry out. Can anyone tell what's going on from the pics or lend some advice? adding pics of three of my four plants. The round leave looked goos 6 hours ago. i don't know what else might help draw a conclusion, i'm using ph 6 water in a spray bottle once in the morning. the soils does seem damp. Heat and humidity have all stayed pretty good from what i've read. the potting mix i'm using is 2 parts black gold, 2 parts ocean forest, 1 part perlite and 1 part very well rinsed coco-coir.



Well-Known Member
This is the hardest stage to get through. Do NOT overwater. Let it dry out well between waterings. Assuming you have holes in the bottom of cups I water plants this size "from below".:

Set them in a pan/tray of water about 3/4 inch deep and let them suck it in from below. Leave them in maybe 30 minutes then put them back on a dry base.

They definitely look too wet to me and things can go to shit real fast if you are overwatering at this stage of the game.

You absolutely have to let it get dry between waterings, then water in moderation.

Do not saturate the whole container to where it is a soppy wet mess, ever, at this point.


Well-Known Member
They have all the water they need for at least a complete day or so. They've popped soil already, so ease off a bit and let them do their thing.


Many thanks, i do have two holes on the bottom of each one. I think i over watered the soil before i planted them.


Update for ya! Little over two weeks into flower now, they ALL made it. Fixed the early ph problem fast and the only problem i've really had since is a few gnats witch i've taken care of pretty quickly. Here they are day 55.