New NYC Diesel Clone is Yellowing and Wilting (Pics)


Active Member
Hey everybody, I just got an NYC Diesel clone on Sunday. On the drive home the top of the branch broke and we had to cut it off if that could mean anything.

I potted it in Scott's Soil, and I'm using 3 CFL 100 watt bulbs to light them. I have plenty of ventilation in the room, it's roughly 76 degress with lights on. The leaves have started yellowing and wilting so I bought a bottle of FoxFarm's Grow Big to help it because it seemed like it was nutrient deficient. Also, the stems are turning purple and the healthy leaves are curving down. I just added a teaspoon to a gallon of water I'm using today. Any help with that?

Any idea what I can do to help my clone? Here are pics....



Active Member
can you post a picture of the plant in its entirety? I can't tell how big it is, it might be a little young for nutes but maybe not.


Well-Known Member
I would carefully remove the bottom dead leaves and feed it like you did maybe even a little less then a teaspoon to start. Leaves curling up is usually heat related so IDK if you are only at 76degrees.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the double post just noticed the soil in one of pictures. It looks like mulch. I have herd anything twigy for soil turns out bad. Could cause acid problems as it breaks down. I have herd others having problems with Scott's, dont kno if this is part of it? Is it nuted soil or nutless soil? I am a huge lover of NYC Dies so i hope everything turns out great


Well-Known Member
you might wanna start putting a breeze on them plants it looks a lil skinny definitly wont support some big buds