New patient, could use some suggestions

bowlfull, i see where you mentioned that your patient is reluctant to start oil due to his current job responsibilities. perhaps a light initial oil regimen, in addition to new ideal strains, would be tolerable and maybe he'd be open to scheduling somewhat of a brief work hiatus to go full-strength and take care completely

Yup. I'm talking with Homeless to try to get this figured out. I'm gathering info, and am going to sit down with him and his wife and try to get a program figured out. i'm in over my head, but with help from you guys I can do it.
I have never messed with the RSO but have alway kinda expected an improved tech to come along. Not saying his way is not the best, I'm just surprised. How much could it differ than some high end edibles or some BHO put in capsules. Sort of ironic that with all the technology and extractions and such that such a crude method is the most effective. I have seen a few videos on juicing the raw leaves and plan to try that after I get a nice juicer. The THCA from live cannabis is not supposed to be psychoactive and contains something like 60 times more medicine. Of course watching You Tube everyone thinks they know something?
Somehow I think this grow is going to seem like it takes longer than usual. Better get the next batch up and running soon so I don't have any down time, this is gonna take a lot of finished bud.
I have never messed with the RSO but have alway kinda expected an improved tech to come along. Not saying his way is not the best, I'm just surprised. How much could it differ than some high end edibles or some BHO put in capsules. Sort of ironic that with all the technology and extractions and such that such a crude method is the most effective. I have seen a few videos on juicing the raw leaves and plan to try that after I get a nice juicer. The THCA from live cannabis is not supposed to be psychoactive and contains something like 60 times more medicine. Of course watching You Tube everyone thinks they know something?

true, but think about wine and how technological it has become yet in some parts of the world where the best wine is produced, they use wooden tubs and people's feet to still extract the grape juice.
If some cuttings are taken I'd love to grab a few and make mother and flower out a few from clone to make sure they're worth the space for keeping/running. Shoot me a text when they're rooted if you do Glad!
I'm getting ready to 12/12 a couple Critical Mass girls here from Mr. Nice. I just sent one for cloning and these other two are uncut & untrained. Big Bud, just as this reproduction, is a freakish grower. I've been studying them closely because they have never looked happy here, yet out grew every other strain hands down :confused: For a long time I had thought that they were always droopy, yet recently discovered this only occurs later in the light cycle.

I'll get picks of it and take a bunch of cuts off it. It has been pretty busy here today.
Trichn9ne didn't want to risk riding with it in the front seat. lmao. It's too tall.
i've heard things here and there about cbd crew, some people said they they got headaches from smoking the stuff, has anyone been using and cbd crew strains for a while? if so what do your patients think of it?
IMG_0676.jpgIMG_0677.jpgwell here are the plants i got from belle i lost electric and had to bring them in the house they were in the grow room at 32 for a few hours wow then i had my king mattress up in the spare bedroom and the cats loved it lol ya it fell on the i used duck tape and toothpicks to fix them only one branch didnot make it. lmao so how are they looking?