New Pics on my almost ready bud


Active Member
I thought I would take some pictures of what I believe to be a northern lights x pineapple strian. I seperated all the males along time ago and I only have one plant the little nugs I plucked and sampled had no seeds and looked great didnt give be a buzz it was really wet and I made a attempt to dry it on a space heater waste of my time. Its really sticky and gives off a pineapple odor when disturbed. Im a little worried tho I found a seed in the bottom of one of the larger nugs I plucked and I dont know if what im seeing on the other nugs is male flowers or seed sacks or what I broke one open and it was all goey no dark seed but a goey white stuff came out I took a few pics mabye some one will have some suggestions pic 4 is of the unidentifyed seed pod thing. Also does it look like I have any male flowers??? This is my first time grow im still impressed tho I got 2 nugs almost size of coke can I use co2 out of a paint ball tank, bio-bloom, and a 400 watt Ceramic Metal Halide conversion bulb thats been working great runs cool and supposedly puts out more red spectrum even tho light is brite white. Any comments or answers would really help out



Well-Known Member
if you have buds, you have no male flowers... if a plant has buds, its female 100%... and they look great... i expect a few grams for helping :hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
This pic I think has a nanner in it. Doesn't look like its opened yet you may want to chop your ladies early or run the risk of getting some beans...Then agian they may be more nanners your call man. Best of luck.


Active Member
yeah it seems like I may have more of those nanner things but I plan to cut in like 4-5 days its chaging colors real fast now getting redder by the days so Im def cutting soon I just hope its potent as it looks, smells


Active Member
Yeah I broke open more pods and they contain immature little white seeds. Im pissed I don't know how it happend a few people said maybe a male flower opened some where and fertilized it. A few small branch nugs look fuckin packed full of pods but the big nugs seem less affected. Its not real seedy and it for some reason only affects the lower parts of the bud. Hey at least I have some good seeds even tho they may carry that genetic trait. I think next time im just gonna order some fem seeds. I still think it will be good since the little nug that I plucked and cured for like 2 days got me buzzin off one small hit so Im thinking its still gonna be kick ass. I would harvest now but im waiting another 4-5 days to clear out the fertilizer. I am still Co2ing tho.

smokin up tha cali

Active Member
nice dude, hope for the best man, I got the same shit goin on, removed males a little too late I think, I think I might have some seeds too


Well-Known Member
hmmm, i have those pods but they were full of resin nbot seeds

too bad about the pollinated bitchs hop ethe smok eis good