New Place New Grow DWC T5/400 hps

Ok, well I Just moved into this place 1 month ago. I got an Extra room in my new place so I Got My room. (can't do full room grow though :cry: )bongsmilie Anyway I am doing 2 setups, veg and bloom. Veg is a 4 Tube T5 4 footer. Bloom is a 400 watt HPS in the closet. I have used the veg set-up before with good resolutes. The Closet HPS is a totally new set-up. I have had the Can Fan, Light, and osc. fan for the closet set-up but had it all as one set-up in the past. And BTW the pics of the closet are VERY EARLY. Nothing is perminatlly Secured. I am only using bag seed for this grow becuase This is a new place and I wanna make sure to get things right before I grow some New York Power Desiel. Well anyway All Coments and Advice is Welcomed and also I got this "lightboard" From an old attempt to grow with a Freind Long Long ago. Anyone have any Advice on what to do with this heavy waste of space at the moments. Thanks


Oh crap the bug sprayers are coming in tomorrow!!!!!!! Will be busy tonights making everything look kosher. LOL at least I can hide the plants easy.