New plant problem with pics. HELP


Active Member
Let me know what you make think this is, if there is even anything wrong. The leaves look droopy to me. Thought I had spider mites because there was a hole in one of the leaves so I took care of that. Could have been just a small tear from the fan. The roots look healthy and some are even touching the res. New leaves start off purpleish, which I think is normal? Running the pumps 3 minutes every 8 hours. and have 4 airstones in the res.

Big bud
1 week old
good circulation
temp 77, humidity 60
Bubbleponics grow system, 4 plants
under 315 W CFLs for now
Ph is just below 6
no nutes or anything, and just flushed the whole system
Using distilled water

Here is the slight hole in the leaf. Cleaned it out for spider mites just in case but no real sign of them.

Below is another plant

Pic below is of different plant


Well-Known Member
i would say keep you bubble system running 24/7 i think it provides the roots with more oxygen if on 24/7 thus, creating faster Growth


Active Member
The bubbles are running 24/7. I meant the water pump to the bottom of the rockwool is on a 3 min cycle every 8 hours