New plant totally gibbled?

Xen Cuts

so here is a picture of a new plant (1 week old) and it looks pretty messed up. I have another plant right beside it, that is doing great, other than being short for it age, he's about 2.5-3 inches. (probably because it gets damn hot in my growbox if i dont open it up once a day, sometimes it gets up into the high nineties!) here is the a couple pictures of the plant.


I know it is most likely because my box is too hot (ha) but i honestly cant seem to cool it down, i have an intake fan, and an exhaust fan, with a seperate fan running inside circulating the air around. I even ended up cutting a small hole near the top of the box to let the hot air escape. The temp outside the box is around 80-87. box temp ranges from 85-99. any input would be great. I realize this is in plant problems, whereas i should be posting in a sort of general problems with the whole grow situation. I know i rambled in this, and it might not make total sense, but im sorry i did indulge in some erbs before posting this.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Also, i have yet to start feeding it nutrients.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You have to figure out how to get them out of that grow box until the temps come down. You are cooking those little thinks. If you can not take place them some where outside of the box where it is cooler, then maybe try and mist the plant with water that is about 65 degrees a few times through out the day.

Is that miracle grow soil? How often are you watering them? Have you been feeding them nutrients? What is the PH of the water you give them.

Xen Cuts

I usually water them once every day, depending on how dry the soil is. It's not miracle grow soil, it's soil from a local gardening company that assured me the soil was good for me "unique and specific needs". I dont know how credible they are. But like I said, of my two plants, the one that doesnt look fucked, looks great. I have not been feeding them nutrients. I dont know the PH of the water im feeding them, i just use tap water that has been left out for 24 hours.

Xen Cuts

Well the plant that is in the pot beside it looks great. Besides the fact that it's a little short due to the high temperature. I should have posted a picture of te healthy plant as a reference. I don't know here.

Any other thoughts?

I really need to cool the box down in general. But I can't figure out how and it's really frustrating me.


Active Member
What kind of lights are you using? what's the light schedule (how long and between when and when)?

ph levels will be important once you start using nutes. They won't uptake if your ph is off.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
If you are watering everyday, you might be over watering.

Also, your PH is important right now, because that soil most likely came with some nutrients in it that your plant needs, and if the PH is all out of wack, then you will lock out certain nuts depending on what the ph is. Does that soil have time release nutrients in it? This is just one more reason I use CoCo Coire for my grow medium.

Xen Cuts

I'm using a 125 true watt cfl. It's on 24 hours a day. I don't exactly water everyday, but i do mist the leaves everyday. one thing i jusr realized, (and probably should have a long time ago) that could help a TON, is switching to a 20 on 4 off, or something similar.

As for soil, I used "Vantro, All purpose potting soil. Sterilized.'

In hindsight, this stuff probably is similar, or worse than miracle grow. I mixed it with some other Vantrol soil that was a lot finer grade, but i cant remember the type of soil.

I suppose my main concern is just bringing the heat down.

Xen Cuts

What exactly is coco? Can you give me some details. I'm going to the hardware store today to try and pick up some tubing and extra fans to try to cool down my box anyway.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Coco Coir is a natural grow medium made from coconut husk. It looks just about like soil and is about impossible to over water. It usually has no time released nutrients in it, so you are in total control of what the plants are getting.

Google Coco Coir. there are all different types. i get the fine, nut the chucky stuff.