New Revolitonary way to grow aeroponic


Active Member
I've uploaded pics check em out
I've been testing and trying different methods oh growing Aero
my results are freaking fantastic by using an Ultrasonic humidifier I'm cutting my energy bill down to cents
what I've done is I've taken a hydroponic grow pot from home depot. I've bored out the drainage holes to 1/2" using PVC I ran a pipeline from the humidifier to the access hole. with a timer the humidifier runs 5seconds on 5minutes off. the lowe pot can hold 8 pots for fully grown plants. the upper pot has holes bored out as well at 1/2" I took a piece of cutting board plastic and made a circle with 10 holes for pots 2" wide. :bigjoint:
I call this system the decuple pot Aeroponic system. with the top pot being able to hold 10pots for veg/sprouts and the lower pot holding 8pots for plants. I'll be using a circular CFL bulb 22" x 22" directly above the Decuple pot system. using the Ultrasonic Humidifier I'm able to give my plants full nutrients, I'm installing a burner that will connect to the Humidifiers intake fan to burn a piece of coal giving off carbon dioxide with the Vapor from the humidifier combined. I figure using this way to grow will only cost me about 50cents a day.
stay tuned for pictures diagrams and more information as I continue the quest!

Now you know what I've done. here come the pictures, the White panel on the top pot I have to drill 2more 2'' holes. the lower pot is next.
I had a problem with the humidifier nothing some PVC glue couldn't fix. Please feel free to voice your opinions and Ideas or possible problems and concerns.:weed:

Give a little feed back I've got alot of work still left on this!!! I've been using most of my spare time on this among other things:bigjoint:


Active Member
I know, I'm charging the batteries so I can take some pics...I slacked off around 420 for some reason


Active Member
Mybe I read it wrong but are you adding co2 to the root zone if so that is no good as roots breath oxygen not co2 and your plant will suffocate!
Plants need co2 for leaves not roots adding h2o2 to the water will add extra oxygen that will beneficial but co2 with the water will kill them!


Well-Known Member
Dude, you are the only one, up till now, that even mentioned co2....

reading is a wonderful skill ;)
I'm sub'ed, I want to see pics.... however, 5 second spurts of fog ain't going to do it.

Mybe I read it wrong but are you adding co2 to the root zone if so that is no good as roots breath oxygen not co2 and your plant will suffocate!
Plants need co2 for leaves not roots adding h2o2 to the water will add extra oxygen that will beneficial but co2 with the water will kill them!


Active Member
Dude, you are the only one, up till now, that even mentioned co2....

reading is a wonderful skill ;)
I'm sub'ed, I want to see pics.... however, 5 second spurts of fog ain't going to do it.
Ditto on both remarks.
5secs? 5 mins would be more efficient.... balancing electric...growth and yeild.
I know growerrs who have constructed sim Aero's ( bit bigger)... used a large fogger and basically left it on. FAR better growth than short timer bursts


Active Member
well I'm taking advice, or pointers as you may call it. when you look at the pics its a pretty sick system


Well-Known Member
Burning coal produces carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and other noxious gasses your roots won`t enjoy much. SO4 will play havoc with the ph, it causes acid rain :)


Well-Known Member
haha yeah man whatever you're trying out, leave the coal out of the equation


Active Member
Thanks Atmoizer i screwed that one up .. for a high idea it woulda been chill if it worked. and as for pictures they are up as of right now


Well-Known Member
the burning coal had me on the floor dieing.

best of luck though man! lets see soem results when u get that point :D


Active Member
I've changed my whole grow system up, and my grow box is almost finished I need a timer now and it will be running ... pics?! oh yea!193886_1804938497078_1648350544_1800144_488490_o.jpg194376_1804936737034_1648350544_1800143_2650083_o.jpg

The blue light is an Ultraviolet Germicidal bulb! about $50 bucks 20years ago this baby purifies the air!
I painted the box with reflective paint, I've put clear plastic on the bottom. I have a 24" fixture for two bulbs I jsut need a T12 ballast for.
Ventilation is set up intake and outtake using Computer fans, pot racks have been installed with brackets.
I have a timer set up to the lighting and will be ready for growing within the next week.
stay tuned for more pics and more detailed information.


Well-Known Member
Unless you are using a solenoid and piston system to have pressure on demand, you are going to kill pumps with a 5 second run... hell, water won;t even reach nozzles in 5 seconds..

coal burning was baked idea tho haha. 5second spurts is the most efficient way I found


Well-Known Member
lets see....High concentrations of CO2 can displace oxygen in the air, resulting in lower oxygen concentrations....thats for your for the grower....exposer to 3.3% or 5.4% CO2 for 15 minutes experienced increased depth of breathing. At 7.5%, a feeling of an inability to breathe (dyspnea), increased pulse rate, headache, dizziness, sweating, restlessness, disorientation, and visual distortion developed. Twenty-minute exposures to 6.5 or 7.5% decreased mental performance. Irritability and discomfort were reported with exposure to 6.5% for approximately 70 minutes. Exposure to 6% for several minutes, or 30% for 20-30 seconds, has affected the heart, as evidenced by altered electrocardiograms.

Those briefly exposed to very high concentrations showed damage to the retina, sensitivity to light (photophobia), abnormal eye movements, constriction of visual fields, and enlargement of blind spots. Exposure to up to 3.0% for over 15 hours, for six days, resulted in decreased night vision and colour sensitivity.

Exposure to 10% for 1.5 minutes has caused eye flickering, excitation and increased muscle activity and twitching. Concentrations greater than 10% have caused difficulty in breathing, impaired hearing, nausea, vomiting, a strangling sensation, sweating, stupor within several minutes and loss of consciousness within 15 minutes. Exposure to 30% has quickly resulted in unconsciousness and convulsions. Several deaths have been attributed to exposure to concentrations greater than 20%.

so to sum it up...if not careful your going to at least kill your plants..if not yourself

edit:just in case here is a link that goes into more detail


Active Member
Yea NOT Coal. that's out of the picture. Five seconds of the fogger/humidifier which is instantaneous. not water water vapor. you know so Five seconds on and Five minutes off.

and dude dj great info but I am Paranoid and that goes hand and hand with careful
cool statistics though I took notes

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
in the flower stage
high humidity = moldy buds
find a way to keep the fog in the root area and far away from your buds