New RIU sucks..


Well-Known Member
Dont know why people hate on this site, its great for exactly what is meant to be, an open book of knowledge.

You can find so many different things that have to do with marijuana through this website.

I've been here for about a year and its been a roller coaster, felt like leaving a few times, but as long as they keep the likes i'm happy :)

If you dont like the way this sight is going, the exit door is wide open feel free to venture else where....thc farmer, canna collective, etc.

Ive tried those other sites and they seem way worse than everyone makes riu out to be, let the haters hate.

At least this site is very entertaing with all the drama that goes on.


Well-Known Member
I completely forgot how the old RIU looked.. so if they changed it back to its orignal ways, I'd be mad for about two minutes again.


Glassblowing Moderator
Damn fine virus. I like the additions. The blue is calming and.they.moved the drop notificaTions box from above search box. That always bugged me. I couldn't click the second option cause it was in the search box.. thanks irus. You Da shyt


Glassblowing Moderator
Oops I accidently named the virus irus.. It wasnt a virus at all. It was an irus they gifted us. The nice virus..

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i was having a fit because the advanced search button is missing, but if i click go without typing anything it brings me to the advanced search. whew.