New room - first grow with pics...


Active Member
Hey guys,

First post, new room and first grow!

I have been lurking here for a few weeks reading, learning and trying to fix all my first time grow mistakes. I just figured I would finally post some pics of my setup and grow thus far.

I will say I'm happy with how the plants are doing considering the beating they took while I was learning! All started with 10 old bag seeds, 9 germed and one plant died. These poor guys actually started their first week in the window sil while I was finishing up the room....

My learning experience -

1. Started in MG soil and I WAY overwatered and burnt the hell out of them. Re-planted in Foxfarm...

2. Never checked PH in the begining and it was 8.0-8.1 out of my tap! PH tester and PH down (5.8-6.0 now)+ allowed water to sit out for a few days...

3. Temps in my grow room were hitting 91-92. Fixed with proper ventalation and now it runs 78-80 with lights on and 72-74 off...

4. (part of number one) I only water when they seem to need it now...

5. (part of number again) I was using Dr. Shultz 10-15-10 in the first few weeks and burnt them. Flushed and went to Foxfarm grow big/big bloom very light dosages. (now full dose big bloom as I just started flowering)

6. They like it when I just leave them the f*** alone! I was loving them too much...hehe

I have some AK, Kush and big bud for my second grow. I just wanted use bag seed for my first grow in case it went really bad!

All these bag seed plants appear to be Sativa and I have 2 at 12-14" tall (in the same pot - I know,I know), 3 at about 20-24" and 3 at 34-36". The pics are about a week old and just started flowering 2 days ago. My 3 tall girls (hopefully) I will have to start training as I know they will hit my 6' max height mark... I have more than the room can support really right now once they get even bigger, but I figure there will be some males...

Room (fairly stealth) -

Attic room 4' x 4' x 7' (only using about 3 x 4 for grow - using some space to stand and for water/supplies)
1 - 400 MH/HPS
2 - 65 watt CFLs (on the sides)
2 - 80cfm fans for light (one inline and one pusher on the light)
1 - 140cfm fan for the room
air is fed from my media room via 6" duct with the house a/c at 72 the room stays within 72-80.
1- 8" fan for air movement
1" R7 foam board walls + R13 insulation and yes I did the paper out on purpose since I am working close to room.

2 DIY carbon filters

This part of the attic was over the garage with NO access originally. I now access it behind a 3' x 6' sound panel that I hinged in my up stairs mediaroom. And I didn't want to go overboard on the size as it's just for the wife and I...

Sorry for the long post, I just figured some of you may enjoy. Thanks for all the valuable information! I'm having a blast with my first grow and my second grow should be awesome!

Oh yeah - vegged for 5 weeks and 2 days at 20/4 and just switched to 12/12 two days ago...can't wait to bongsmilie

Let me know what you think!



Active Member
class set up mate.. what type of sativa u growing ?
I have no idea, I just started with some old bag seed I had lying around for years. I have some AK, Kush and Big Bud for my second grow, I just wanted use some seed I didn't really care about to learn from for my first grow....

I wanted to veg for another week or two to let a few of the smaller ones fill out more, but 3 of the plants were just getting to tall...


Active Member
Hey guys, based on my pics can anyone tell what kind of Sativa I may have or flowering time. I have read that Sativa flowering could run up to 15 weeks?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
very nice bro. love the setup. from the last pic. witch looks great, but are the leaves a bit cuped. again great looking grow, and welcome to the site.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, based on my pics can anyone tell what kind of Sativa I may have or flowering time. I have read that Sativa flowering could run up to 15 weeks?
Very nice setup!

Based on my small amt. of experience, I think sativas do take a bit longer, as mine seem to be 1-2 weeks behind my indica dominant plants. So yes, they will probably take a bit longer but I would guess no more then 11 weeks max.

Happy growing :weed:


Active Member
very nice bro. love the setup. from the last pic. witch looks great, but are the leaves a bit cuped. again great looking grow, and welcome to the site.

Yes I should have added that to my list of growing lessons/experiences. Those pics are about a week old and I think I had a bit of moisture stress as the light was just a bit to close at 10-12". I wasn't watching their grow rate close enough. I have since hung a string at 16" and moved the light up accordingly. The leaves have since flattend back out pretty well.


Active Member
Hey guys - now almost a week into flower 3 out of my 8 plants are showing sex. Out of the three showing 2 are def females :grin::grin::grin::grin: . But the one looks male to me - I just wanted some reassurance before I pitch it that its a male.

Please take a look and let me know..

Pic 1 and 2 are the potential male and pic 3 is my female. The other female pic looks identical...



Well-Known Member
Hey guys - now almost a week into flower 3 out of my 8 plants are showing sex. Out of the three showing 2 are def females :grin::grin::grin::grin: . But the one looks male to me - I just wanted some reassurance before I pitch it that its a male.

Please take a look and let me know..

Pic 1 and 2 are the potential male and pic 3 is my female. The other female pic looks identical...

this may help

this is a male I had


Active Member
Hey Guys/Gals,

Just figured I would post a few updates with pics on my first grow. I ended up with 4 females after sexing and I got rid of 1 female that was just thin and not growing like the other 3. The 3 females now have out grown my room (6+ feet tall) so I have been continually training the plants into kind of sideways "S" shapes (see diagram) and pulling all the branches through to one side. Pics are from this morning just a few min before the lights came on so they were alittle droopy...

I just recently had some PH problems (8.1:shock:) when I was away for work and my wife was caring for them, but they are recovering well after a good flush and getting the run off around the low 6's now.

Being sativa looking (old bag seed so I don't really know) and only 3 1/2 weeks into flowering I figure anther 5-8 maybe? Any ideas?

Any guesses on what I may yield?? I am curious for my first grow...1oz dry? 2oz dry?

Let me know if there is anything that doesn't look right - I'm still learning!

Anyway - just figured some may enjoy the pics and updates! Thanks :peace:

