new season new grow cab (flouro)


Well-Known Member
ok cool thanks for the advice my cab was getting up into the high 90s so I leave my cab door cracked so it will stay between 75-80 until I can get some more cash and get a better exhaust fan right now I only have a 3 inch 110v fan and a .5v slow 3inch intake. do u think the feeding every other weak would be sufficient? I have 5.1.1. for veg and 2.4.0 for flower
That temp won't work come flower. As I said in the beginning of the thread you will need an inline fan.

Flouros get hot. Lol. I found out the hard way to.

cap master

Well-Known Member
yeah I just ordered a 160 cfm inline fan for this cab and I'm currently working on a new flower room aprox 3.5x5 6.5 ft tall with a 1000w hps so this cab will be just for veg I have had the temps running 76 at night and 80-81 throughout the day keeping my cab door cracked. once the inline gets here in the next few days and I get the ducting up it should run 75-80 24/7 easy for veg and when summer comes around I'm going to vent my intake from outside under the addition to keep temps low. the flower room is in my shed behind a false wall. I still need to collect the rest of the supplies for that project.


Well-Known Member
yeah I just ordered a 160 cfm inline fan for this cab and I'm currently working on a new flower room aprox 3.5x5 6.5 ft tall with a 1000w hps so this cab will be just for veg I have had the temps running 76 at night and 80-81 throughout the day keeping my cab door cracked. once the inline gets here in the next few days and I get the ducting up it should run 75-80 24/7 easy for veg and when summer comes around I'm going to vent my intake from outside under the addition to keep temps low. the flower room is in my shed behind a false wall. I still need to collect the rest of the supplies for that project.
Sounds good.

cap master

Well-Known Member
its ratted for 80/90 cfm with carbon filter resistance would this be adequate ventilation u think? and how many cfm do u think would be needed to cool a 4x5 room with 1000whps? and a small 12v computer fan for an external passive intake inline booster?


Well-Known Member
its ratted for 80/90 cfm with carbon filter resistance would this be adequate ventilation u think? and how many cfm do u think would be needed to cool a 4x5 room with 1000whps? and a small 12v computer fan for an external passive intake inline booster?
I'm not rightly sure. If you use one with an air cooled hood just the one should be good. Maybe a little more cfm.

cap master

Well-Known Member
babys are looking better they have perked up praying to the lights soil is basically bone dry growth ha resumed grew 1/8th inch since yesterday not mutch but ok for a start. still lower growth dieing but the tips are growing new growth. still have fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
I would go bigger than what I needed. Step up to a 6 inch. Its only a few bucks more. A variac to slow the fan is cheaper than a fan if you get one to small or upgrade.

Ventech is a cheap reliable fan. I got a 4 inch and it has been running for almost a year and half straight. I can't say its the quietest but it is a tank. Good customer service.

I thought mine was bad. It had a piece of trash making noise. I contacted the seller and was told put it in the mail and give tracking and they would ship a new one.

The seller was lowballer on amazon.

cap master

Well-Known Member
I ordered a 6inch for my veg cab seen here would u step up to a 8inch for flower room and my hood doesn't have the end ports or should I stay with 6 inch just look for something that pushes higher cfm? and yeah I got an amazon deal as well figured for a veg chamber I'm only trying to drop 10 degrees or less it would do great considering my current one isn't all that quiet either.


Well-Known Member
I ordered a 6inch for my veg cab seen here would u step up to a 8inch for flower room and my hood doesn't have the end ports or should I stay with 6 inch just look for something that pushes higher cfm? and yeah I got an amazon deal as well figured for a veg chamber I'm only trying to drop 10 degrees or less it would do great considering my current one isn't all that quiet either.
I haven't used 1000w. I would think the 6 would work. Maybe some more will chime in.

There is a good thread on here about building boxes around fans.

cap master

Well-Known Member
just an update.. I have fixed the over watering they have picked pack up again and are praying to my lights and the necrosis has slowed but hasn't stoped. they are showing deficiency signs and are losing leaves from the bottom up. have flushed soil ph is currently running 6.2-7.0 tds is low 300s with ferts 5.1.1. fish emul and using molasses for mag cal along with dolomite witch runs about 40% mag in a slightly acidic soil. new growth is starting but I have lost 6 lower sets of leaves on the one and 2-3 sets on the other. so overwatering is fixed and still recovering from stress but how to help with nutes? I'm using 2 tsp per 2 qts water drop of ST quarter tsp molasses un Sulphured and phd down to 6.2-7.0 temps between 73-83 humidity low at 30% just added humidifier so hope to dial in around 50-70% humidity. lights on 24 running I little over 50k lumens. not sure what I'm doing wrong or how to fix this??? leaves are still yellowing just a tad slower first leaf pic is 90% yellow second is also showing n deficiency and upper leaves u can see are showing deficiency signs and 3rd is what they look like when I pull them off efter a few days that's that I have to look forward too. idk how to get these guys nutes next step will be foliar feed. u can also see burnt tips ike a p deficiency in the yellowing leaves. please help the seedlings are doing ok group a are doing ok but starting to curl and one finger leaves are now starting to shed. group b and c are still boring lil seedlings humidity is low so I think that's whats causing my leaves to curl if u know what this could be let me know. 20160214_005031.jpg 20160214_005035.jpg 20160214_005041.jpg 20160214_005056.jpg 20160214_005139.jpg 20160214_005207.jpg 20160214_005229.jpg 20160214_005235.jpg 20160214_005245.jpg