Well-Known Member

As some of you know (or dont) Eyecandi had a poker game a little over a week ago. A more gracious host you could not want, both in spirit and giving nature.
He was nice enough to grace me with some new seeds that I put in paper towels over the weekend to get started for my next round of flowering.
I recieved 6 different strains but only decided to start with 3 of them and work the others into a later cycle.
The 3 strains I decided to start were:
Afgooey x Corleon kush
Durban Poison x herijuana
Pre 98 BubbaKush X corleon kush
in just four days i have had several pop and just put them into soil today
the durban poison winning the numbers trophy with 16 of 20 seeds that popped.
But the Afgooey winning the best pop (I didnt check on them last night cause i knew i was getting dirt today) with one seed that had a tail over a half inch long!
I know everyone went ovr this but ill say it again. TY EC for having us over and opening your house to a great group of guys and ty for the seed stock, I hope i can do them justice.
Ps. feel free to hijak this thread with random things that I know you guys like to talk about maybe we can keep it out of some other peoples threads