new seeds ordered

Newbie here, well just ordered new seeds called critical mass. Cant wait for them to get here. Anyone had any good luck with these outdoor? I plan to start them inside and then move outdoors.
Well just got seeds today!
can nobody comment on this thread?Or is critical mass not interesting?hope to hear from someone soon?


Well-Known Member
from mr nice. i think it like big bud crossed with skunk1. should be good yielder of nice smoke. good breeder in shantibaba
Yah from what Ive read it is big bud and skunk. Well there from attitude seed bank but I think they come through Mr. nice seeds. Well I read that its the highest yielding on the market? Do you think they will be adequate to grow outdoors in the Midwest? Along with the Critical Mass they sent a Dinafem blue hash and a DNA Fem Hashplant Haze.
Do you know any thing about these two feminized seeds?
I was worried at first but I ordered on the 25 of November and got them on December 2nd.
So it was pretty fast I am not sure about the seeds though they look a little immature.


Active Member
That's pretty quick, but yes, hopefully they'll work out for you. For the money a person pays, and I don't care what's said about genetics, you certainly should be able to get a viable product that works.
ps dont know what your germinating method is, but I always start in jiffy pellets in a germ dome, quite cheap online or at lowes, and usually get 100% germ from viable seeds, or what ever i might plant, plus you dont have to handle the seedling for transplant and are good to grow for at least a week up to two weeks of growth, just thought i would say. Good luck
Yah i saw that tree grow thats what gave me the idea to get them. Well these will be grown outdoors in guerilla andi I have been told to not use fertilizers and let mother nature take its course,any ideas and why they would say that?