new set up help


whats up all need some help iv git me a new grow room its 17ft x 7ft x 8ft git it all the way I want but need to know if I should go with 3 400w lights or 2 1000w lights going to have about 20 to 30 plants all going to be in 5 gallon buckets and thing about scrog reason on the 3 400w is cause ill just need to get 2 ????? any help would be great grow room.jpg


Well-Known Member
u got a alot of issuse to work out

may i say u cut a section off so u can do veggie and the bigger section is flowering u could keep a cycle going and always have a harvest every 2 weeks

17x7x8 is 952 cubic feet divdie this by 3 and u need fan speed atleast at 318 CFM that was just the area now u need to add in more speed to keep it cool do to the lights heat tubes will be lower but a open hood is much more 2 1000s and 2 400s u need a fan running at almost 500 cfm to 600cfm u are using a 8 inch or a 10 inline fan to get that speed

now u have the intake is this clean air (ie hempa filter ac and all that good stuff) or is this outside air air u can have lower speeds if u pulling outside air u will need higher speeds .................then if the system is cool tube u will need dust covers for the lights so the dust does not mess with the glass inside


Well-Known Member
now if u SCRoG it u need to have a method of flushing the hydro water out or the soil bags u need a subfloor with a stand system so the water can drain into and u can pump it out or gravity it out with a hose


I see were u getting at on a lot of it.... heres what I have an thinking of.. I git 2-6'' 400cfm fans a 400w 6'' cool tube light from a old grow setup.. ok know were im putting this the floor is concert so no worries on water getting on it an no need on carbon filter an its getting into fall here so not going to be hot now for lights I can go 3 400w or 2 1000w an I would like to do what ur talking about on section off the room but that would have to wait till next grow an idk if im going with 20 or 30 autos or fems...for the SCRoG iv git a stand for them and a pump too


Well-Known Member
the best would be the 2 1000 watt for your area run a cool tube with both the 400cfm fans would work one blow one sucking out ..........u will not get the full 800cfms ....somewhere around 600 700 with both fans on maximum

personally i will tell u autos since u can buy a 5 pack u can make a row of different kinds .........most of them are 70 day yeilds and stuff but some are 90 100 days u get bigger crop u already know they are getting 5 to 6 internodes then they trigger into flowering so SCroging and controll them is shorter work faster turn around time

i charge like this figure out the cost of the plant ....soil power feeding......then u times it by 3 1 to recover the cost 2 to double up next time 3 for your time and effort .......per oz ..........most autos will give u a OZ but others out there give up to 400 grams like auto pounder/ biodiesel mass with us figure a QP a plant and then more once get better