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yeah like here, i clicked twitter for just for the sake of it because my twitter is linked to my riu account because we have an riu twitter and it keeps in contact with bugs ect.
twitter.jpg you can see here, i am prompted by a new browser, it asked me to log in, and tweet

i mean really cant be like accidental about it, you have to physically click sign in and tweet...
lol i dont think my twitter will get hacked, its also a series of capitals, regular letters, numbers, in randomness not actual words LOL

though funny story.
one day when i was a new mod, i deleted some spam threads, and i put my password as the reason why LOL
so i had to change my riu password
lol i dont think my twitter will get hacked, its also a series of capitals, regular letters, numbers, in randomness not actual words LOL

though funny story.
one day when i was a new mod, i deleted some spam threads, and i put my password as the reason why LOL
so i had to change my riu password
Yea, probably not. I seen it and thought; that looks like the basic minimum password. :lol: Sorry, I'm high as shit....I get all geeky and shit when I get high...

My passwords usually never get below 11 characters.
Sunny, what method do you use for your screenshots?
Got me curious now... You have shadows and shit on it. :lol: Did you edit it before you posted it or does it take screenshots like that?
Ah, ok. I started messing with it after I asked and found that prtsc and pasting it works similar.. You must have your settings turned on for the shadow.. I use snipping tool and it looks nothing like that. :lol:
Ah, ok. I started messing with it after I asked and found that prtsc and pasting it works similar.. You must have your settings turned on for the shadow.. I use snipping tool and it looks nothing like that. :lol:
well i game so my settings are alwasy maxed out
Yea, probably not. I seen it and thought; that looks like the basic minimum password. :lol: Sorry, I'm high as shit....I get all geeky and shit when I get high...

My passwords usually never get below 11 characters.
Here is an ancient one i once used: sa!am1mal3cum?654 unhackable lol ohh and btw i will probly sound newbish but how do we like post and things here on rollitup????