new smoker- 1st time tomorrow!!!


Active Member
hey guys...

im excited about smoking for the first time tomorrow!

i have cali meds purple...apparenlty some crazy dank shit thats almost one-hit wonder.

any tips/tricks/hints for me?

planning on using a lightblub vaporizer.


Active Member
You might not get high the first time, or at least won't realise it. That's what happened to me, it was really weird. I think the third time I started to feel actually 'high'.
You'll stay high for a few hours, about 6?
Something like that.

But when you're not too high, and it's been a while since you smoked, you can probably do some stuff again without people noticing, it's not like you lose your mind or anything. Make sure to carry eyedrops.


Well-Known Member
Well if you are 17 or under you will get a nice buzz:hump:
Exactly. ;) Are you 17 or under? If you are, you should be flying high- up, up and away!


(P.S. Smoke a blunt, if you can. Easier to roll, as it's already pretty much rolled for you once you empty the tobacco from a shell. If you are set on using a lightbulb vapourizer, make sure you use kosher salt to clean out the white coating.)


Master of Mayhem
If your about to smoke for the first time then your probably like 12 and shouldn't be here anyway.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. ;) Are you 17 or under? If you are, you should be flying high- up, up and away!


(P.S. Smoke a blunt, if you can. Easier to roll, as it's already pretty much rolled for you once you empty the tobacco from a shell. If you are set on using a lightbulb vapourizer, make sure you use kosher salt to clean out the white coating.)
Im 17 and my tolerance is high. But ive been smoking since i was 13.


Well-Known Member
be carfull who you smoke with and when i first smoked i was 12 and dident get high till the 2 time wierd. but when i did finaly get high i never stoped getting high shit im high right now lol