New smoking blend


New Member

I pretty much only smoke hash over here in the UK and I'm looking for another material I can smoke it with as I've stopped smoking tobacco for about 2 years now. Over this time I have been using dried rose petals as a alternative but I'm getting a little bored of them and they can be a bit harsh sometimes. Also they can sometimes overpower the hash with their taste/smell.

So anyone got any non tobacco alternatives I can try?

Secondly, I think another option (when I don't feel like an actual spliff) would be to use some sort of vaporiser pipe. I'm sure people have tried this so any recommendations of something not to expensive out there?

I don't have a pipe yet, thats the problem

Hemp leaf... of course. Probably not the cheapest but that sounds good. Nettles as well, got loads of them near me I could make my self. Cheers man