New SOPA has arrived with over 100 co-sponsors in cogresss! HALP! (CISPA) (HR 3523)

He didn't hit space after the link to say change your avatar?

The requested URL /80256/show/e0415f96234a6282217c44cefbb41461/ was not found on this server.

ah, uncle buck... i think he is part of the high rollers in the states... nothing seems to phase him... i wish i was him
(2) share cyber threat information with any other entity designated by the protected entity, including the federal government. Regulates the use and protection of shared information, including prohibiting the use of such information to gain a competitive advantage and, if shared with the federal government, exempts such information from public disclosure. Prohibits a civil or criminal cause of action against a protected entity, a self-protected entity (an entity that provides goods or services for cybersecurity purposes to itself), or a cybersecurity provider acting in good faith under the above circumstances.

Copied and pasted from the HR containing the bill. Note -share.....with.... the federal government. It also gives immunity of civil or criminal acts to various acting agents and also exempts shared info from public disclosure. The question has been raised that this bill will not give access to LEO to bust growers. Maybe so but I kind of doubt it. There are ammendments to this bill already that I have no access to so can't say what they will say but I noticed the mention of civil or criminal cause of action in the context that it gives these immunities, why not bring civil or criminal action to those who do not have these immunities ? Read it for yourself and make your own judgement, I see no reason why the federal government would not share the information with dea and use it to make busts.
(2) share cyber threat information with any other entity designated by the protected entity, including the federal government. Regulates the use and protection of shared information, including prohibiting the use of such information to gain a competitive advantage and, if shared with the federal government, exempts such information from public disclosure. Prohibits a civil or criminal cause of action against a protected entity, a self-protected entity (an entity that provides goods or services for cybersecurity purposes to itself), or a cybersecurity provider acting in good faith under the above circumstances.

Copied and pasted from the HR containing the bill. Note -share.....with.... the federal government. It also gives immunity of civil or criminal acts to various acting agents and also exempts shared info from public disclosure. The question has been raised that this bill will not give access to LEO to bust growers. Maybe so but I kind of doubt it. There are ammendments to this bill already that I have no access to so can't say what they will say but I noticed the mention of civil or criminal cause of action in the context that it gives these immunities, why not bring civil or criminal action to those who do not have these immunities ? Read it for yourself and make your own judgement, I see no reason why the federal government would not share the information with dea and use it to make busts.

lol, you fail.

you didn't even post the section in context, so pretty much pointless.

go be irrationally paranoid and tell lies elsewhere.
More like SPQR

Julius Caesar was a populares.

Populares ("favoring the people", singular popularis) were aristocratic leaders in the late Roman Republic who relied on the people's assemblies and tribunate to acquire political power. They are regarded in modern scholarship as in opposition to the optimates, who are identified with the conservative interests of a senatorial elite

sounds like small government to me, opposed to
a senatorial elite.

Hold up what and you made fun of his big eyebrows?
Can any one show in an intelligent way how this law(bill) will not be used in the context I and others have suggested ?

112th Congress, 2011–2012
To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities, and for other purposes.

What other purposes?
Can any one show in an intelligent way how this law(bill) will not be used in the context I and others have suggested ?

112th Congress, 2011–2012
To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities, and for other purposes.

What other purposes?

you're so smart. tell me more with your big brain how my plants are a cyber threat, will ya.
Oh I get it now, other purposes is just in there to take up space. Our government never abuses anything, I get it now. Everything is fine. Thanks
Oh I get it now, other purposes is just in there to take up space. Our government never abuses anything, I get it now. Everything is fine. Thanks

no need to get all butthurt. get the wad out of your panties, wipe the sand out of your vagina, and provide actual citation for your ridiculous claim.

remember, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and the burden of proof is on you, the accuser.