New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow


Well-Known Member
Ok people here is my new thread. im going to be doing a perpetual from seed dwc grow. one plant at a time until i feel more comfortable looking after more than one at a time.

my setup consists of:

20l black bucket with lid and netpot.

rockwool cubes and clay pebbles

1 submersible air pump, no stone needed.

GH flora micro and bloom (used from the start) i am using a slight variation of the lucas formula with 0-10-20 being added per 5ltrs of water as im in the uk and dont really work in gallons.

im using 2 x 65w 6500k cfls for veg and will be using a 250w hps for flower.


so far im well into week 3 and things are going so smoothly. lights are on from 6am til 10pm, my girl is 3 and bit weeks old and she has already showed me her preflowers, this is from bagseed so wasnt sure on what it would be. im very happy with the rate of growth, infact im astounded at how much quicker it grows in water than in soil. the plant is just working on opening the 9th node up from the bunch at the top. probably gonna let it run another week, maybe 2. see how much taller she gets in that time. im aiming for at least 2oz of this one plant so i wanna let it veg to the biggest size possible before switching to flower.

heres a couple pics i took today to give you guys an idea

i used a 2ltr bottle for size reference :)


the root mass is getting thicker and heavier by the day


and a very healthy sized fan leaf :)


comments and opinions are all welcome..........



Well-Known Member
Good luck brett. Might want to hook up a car battery to the doorknob of your grow room. Keep out any pests that might wanna take your girls out!

Subbed for the fun.


Well-Known Member
we have come to a mutual understanding that if she touches them again then things might happen to the cat.......

glad to see you guys on board. and the car battery idea is pretty good. im gonna save that for another day.


Well-Known Member
well after some umming and ahhhhhing i have decided to hook up the hps. will be going 12/12 from tomorrow. i have 9 nodes which from what ive read is a good point to start flowering. she is nice and squat so shouldnt get a huge lanky plant but we'll see in the stretch. :) wish me luck


Well-Known Member
i have changed my mind again. gonna let this veg for at least another 2 weeks. the daily growth rate is just too much to pass up. i want it to be at least 1 1/2' before i flower it as i have 4' to play with. any way heres a pic or 2 to keep people sweet :)


sorry for the crappy quality, still not bothered with my iphone so im using a crappy 2mp camera.


Well-Known Member
ok well after a long and boring saturday night my pal turned up at half 10 last night with a reg NYC diesel seed so i soaked a rockwool cube and popped it in there got up this morning and the taproot was coming out and the seed shell working its way to the top. very happy with that. gonna stick that next to the 20l bucket into a 5l with an airpump and stone and let her run alongside my white widow.


Well-Known Member
looking for a bit of advice...... when do people think i should put this plant into flower. i wanna get at least 2oz from this and take into account im gonna be using a 250w hps for flowering. there are 10 nodes and a small cluster forming at the top. she is only 11" tall but 20" wide. she is a really healthy green but doesnt seem to be growing any taller, just wider and bushier. ive put my cfl's about 8" away they were 3" but like i said she dont seem to be getting any taller. im not sure whether to let it got for another couple weeks


Well-Known Member
At 8" away I doubt the CFLs are really helping any. I would let it veg for a month longer then switch. You could always let it veg for 2+ if you wanted to make sure.


Well-Known Member
they are 65w & i have 2 of them, plus i want it to stretch it a bit more. its really short. i was expecting it to shoot up a bit more. tbh i dont think this new air pump is up to par. seems to be less bubbles than the airstone. although im having to clean the pre filter everyday as it gets clogged. im going away for the night on the 4th of august so i might switch it into flower when i get back.


Well-Known Member
ok well i put the lights back to 3" away and over the last 2 days she has grown into them so im gonna be flowering her tomorrow. asked in the dwc section when people think i should flower and the response was now cos WW can triple in size, whoops.....

heres a couple pics from today

View attachment 2273195View attachment 2273196

im sure you can see it next to the WW, that is a reg NYC diesel seed. hopefully its a girl. sprouted 2 days ago and will be going 12/12 with the other from tomorrow. should know within 3 weeks or so if its a girl or not. it will only be in a 5ltr bucket though so not expecting much


Well-Known Member
I would start 12/12. No idea how much ceiling space you have, but with a 250w you probably won't be able to get all the foliage of 3x the size it is now.


Well-Known Member
well it sits about 2.5 feet tall (that includes the bucket). i have just over 4.5 feet to the top but bear in mind im using a wardrobe so it has a rail in it which i cant take out as im using the other half as a wardrobe still. so all in all i have about 4 feet but will need to have about 12-14" distance between the tops and the light as i have no cooling system in place. i might nip out during the week and buy a new circulation fan cos the one i had died on me. must have burnt out or something. at least with a new fan i can help push the heat back towards the light. we will see.


Well-Known Member
right been away for the weekend, came back to this huge fucking bush lol


she is 6 weeks old today and stretching like mad. over 2' tall now. growing like mad. glad i flowered when i did, she has been in 12/12 for 1 week and got a few pistils forming on the nodes but nothing substantial yet.. opinions welcome.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you don't do any training? Girl looks like she's gonna be a winner. What strain is she?


Well-Known Member
bagseed white widow, she has really taken off. i hope she doesnt get much taller, ive only got about a foot and a bit space, need to invest in a heavy duty fan asap. and no mate, i havent trained this one at all. i was shocked by the growth rate, im hoping the buds grow just as quickly :)


Well-Known Member
yay....... i finally have some pistils on the branches :) nothing on the main cola yet. hopefully we'll get there soon. bought myself some mylar to line the walls today and a new circulation fan so things are finally where they should be.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: heres a couple pics from today. just changed the res so i took some pics while she was resting.


i have counted about 24 budsites and she doesnt seem to be slowing up on the ol stretch. and i know you would usually trim lower budsites to help with top growth but they seem to be stretching up to about the same height as the main cola so no trimming from me. im gonna let it grow completely natural and see the results.