New Starts 2011 Both Me and The Plant

hello 1st time grow indoor, the people on this web site and all the information given is outstanding anything i need to know... it's here!
-150w Hps
- peat moss mixture soil
- between 81 and 76 degrees 24 hour light cycle.....thinking about changing to 20/4 in the next week
- unknown strain.. bag seed but i think its a indica dominant? not for sure though
- i think humidity was a problem but it sustained at 50% now
- fox farm BG for veg and tiger bloom or bud candy for flowering? not sure what to use yet.... first time

the leaves look wrinkled like over watering but as they grow curl up on the outside like low humidity... it will just be a constant battle with such a poor setup... but its my first time right...

any comments to leave that will tell me anything i don't already know would be great!
or just keep tuned for nice buds later..SAM_1123.jpgSAM_1150.jpgSAM_1133.jpgSAM_1151.jpgSAM_1137.jpg
it looks as if it is trying to grow new leaves out of the nodes in a few spots and other area look like different things are happening? idk?
just bad luck picking seeds or what... finally i got a hermie that put out 4 pollen sacks but is now growing pistles out of the top.....?

anyways... i ordered and recieved 5 feminized jock horror seeds from nirvana...

hoping all will go well this time if any one is fucking reading this shit anyways!