New Stealth...ish veg box [PICS]

Just finishing week 3. Lights fell on plant A for about an hour, burning half of one leaf and part of another. C is looking fantastic and although D was a dud, it was replaced with a nicely germed seed that should pop up anytime. Changed from all soft white cfls to 1x 2700k and 3x 6500k. Starting a little bit of LST on A, and just re-potted B into soil/worm castings/verm/perl.

The ghetto rig in super secret stealth mode;-)

The new daylight bulbs doin their thing8)

The rig as of now

Welcome to the jungle. A in back. B in middle. C is the little guy. D is the cat wearing a cup.

Plant problem? Figure its miconute deficiency (Zn, Fe, Mn, etc) since im unsure on my pH. I'm using a crappy tester and have no commercial pH stabalizers right now so I was using straight rain water I collected a while back...until I saw what happened to rain water thats been sealed for a couple weeks. Working with what I have, I treated a gallon of tap with reptisafe (hope thats ok) to remove the chlorine+ and hopefully reduce the pH some. Currently sitting in circulating air to stabalize...i guess.

Planned on starting nutes on this girl the first feed after she transplanted but decided to go ahead and mix a mild solution with straight tap to give the foliage a little spritzer. Hopefully the micros get past the high pH. Don't hate, i'm staying in the noob section.

The future!!! Depending still on what I decide to do, this may be my flower power box. However, i'm thinking of making life easy and buy a mylar tent.

Your thoughts please...


Well-Known Member
OK, Your discoloration is very minor, and could have only been a situational reaction that doesn't exist in the plant anymore. The key to figuring it out is if NEW growth generates the same symptoms. Growing in soil? then don't play the 'PH' game. honestly, stop worrying about it. Tap water should not be treated with reptile tank water conditioner. It also de-toxifies the heavy metals, like iron, magneezium, which the plant needs. But are toxic to fish. Tap water can be bubbled free of clorine within a few hours, or left to sit 24 hours standing.
Ok, so I dumped the reptisafe water. Just finished doing extensive pH testing on multiple waters with and without fertilizer. My tap is close to 8 by itself, but with the recommended fertilizer to water ratio for indoor plants added it put it at 6.3-6.5. I'll soon start the bigger girls on this formula with reverse osmosis purified water (pH neutral & no other chemicals) every other feeding. Using Jacks classic w/ micronutes so I'm putting my faith in the fert mix to supply good amounts of metals. Now I gotta figure the pH of the water after passed through the soil...arg...rules lol


Well-Known Member
Guy, your using SOIL!!! Not runnin a hydro table. I prefer soil. I have never once used a PH meter, or needed one to diagnose plant issues. Soil is forgiving. My results have always been pro....and another plant needs ANY FERTALIZER in the first month if you've got good all purpose soil, or a custom mix, and a pot that's suitable. They just don't need them....and there's no point to trying to jack them full, your inexperience will just kill it. If your new, why not just aim to grow start to finish? Nothing fancy? You'll gain more knowledge that way, and ya won't learn bad habbits. ( not saying you have any) But the more you try this and that screwing with everything the more chance you'll wind up with an issue you'll have no way of figuring out.
Just updated photo. All seem to be doing great. A is on nutes and taking it well. B was topped and new shoots have started to develop from it. C staying perky, lowered it down from the lights to make it stretch a little more than the others.

Fresh meat:dunce:
A after topping a few days ago

B after topping over a week ago

C...just being awesome

Garden as of now. The one under the cup is the top from A and seems to be doing great. I've never cloned before and my method was probably not ideal but it looks to be growing up above the ground already so GO CHEAP ROOTING POWDER

Also added 200w equiv daylight bulb. Running out of room...need to upgrade setups soon.