New strain belived to grow twice as fast !


Well-Known Member
i still cant beleive that their actually taking brawndo from idiocracy
you need to keep in mind that brawndo has electrolytes, a shit load of them in fact. and we all know that electrolytes are the most important thing to give your plants, well actually its really the only thing that plants need.


Well-Known Member
Pluss rep for bringing Brondo to my attention Uncle Ben!!!!

Im still thinking hes just whitnessed Hybrid Vigor.
Mexi bag seeds will sooooooooooooo outgrow any kind seed Ive ever seen.
I mixed some Ak x Potent mexi bag seed for an experiment Cause its incredible.


Well-Known Member
No episode will ever beat the naggers episode.

Fucking classic!!!



Active Member
I think your lanky floppy runner beans sound poor. But I haven't actually seen em so I'm open to having my mind changed. ;P


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah... now that you mentioned it I remember growing a plant like that. 7 days from seed to harvest, pulled 5 pounds dry. Too bad I smoked it all before I took pics... it was dank.