New strains at Nirvana Shop ?


Active Member
nope never nirvana but i think im gonna get ak48 dwarf from them if they are in stock i heard a bad story from friend he got 20 of em and 1 lived but pics ive seen on here its worth a try


Well-Known Member
no i have ordered from Nirvana shop im growing ice plants from them right now. all 10 germinated and it looks like 6 are female ( hope no hermies ) i was wondering about the site you posted


Active Member
oh yeah its my favorite best if ur not in u.s. but im in u.s. and works for me i was just a little hesitant because no american flag


Active Member
What about when they mention the yeild....
Are the talking about the weight of the finished product. Or the weight of the plant in its entirity?


Well-Known Member
take their estimates on yield and throw them out the widow. the only thing their good for is knowing what strains have a higher yield potential. the actual yield is impossible to estimate but lets stay ob track with the topic even though its pretty much been answered, but reguardless i dont want this to turn into a yield estimating thread


Active Member
how much yeild does it estimate...ha gotcha so nirvanas a good site to go with? i know it says on here it is but ppl i know from round me say its garbage


Well-Known Member
i can only tell ya my experience and it was fantastic. 100 % germanation rate, 60 % females ( not great but over 50% so above average ) package showed up in 6 days and i even got to track it via their site. so yeah I give them a great review