New style Samsung LM561C Board

Ok thanks, guess I should've done that in the first place. So copper weight has no bearing on voltage drop or current/watts since when referring to copper weight we are referring to the solid copper layer and not the top printed on layer.
Each layer will have a weight spec.
For European buyers, I am about to receive some boards to test from a shop within Europe.It has 342 lm561c s6 az bin.This shop will also provide me an apogee sq-520 to take different reading from different distance and configuration.They say board is completely passive up to 2100 mA with a little airflow inside tent.Hope this could help other people struggling to find genuine board within Europe
Any news ? Iam from europe, and i want to buy some boards, i was looking those boards from they are fake?
They should say what amount is in them, and thats what should be there. If it makes no difference then say there is only 1/2 \oz / whatever.
Maybe someone can double check my math here but the board is 67 volts and I have a 1750mA driver. That works out to 67*1.75= 117.25 per board. That would make the entire light 938 watts if set to run full. So I have a couple options. I can turn it down to work in a 4x4 area. Or I could raise the light to increase the spread to cover a larger area. I'm going to have it in the center of a 4x8 tent.... for now. Just having fun playing around with this.
You raise your light from say 1 ft to 2 ft it ends up with 1/4 the light intensity. Imagine you have 4 flashlights shining at the canopy from one ft. Move out to 2ft and you have the power of one flashlight. Inversely if you could 1/2 the distance say from 2ft to 1ft you end up with 4 times the photon flux. One flashlight at 2ft becomes as like 4 at 1ft. So the trick is to get as close as you can IMO not further away.
Any news ? Iam from europe, and i want to buy some boards, i was looking those boards from they are fake?

This europian seller also takes 75€! per board but there is no warranty to get true Qboards! I would order them directly from China for 40,-€ incl.shipping. Even if additional custom tax(19%) comes on top, it should be cheaper this way.(~50,- per board)
You raise your light from say 1 ft to 2 ft it ends up with 1/4 the light intensity
In theory. In practice, the actual results seldom follow that ideal Inverse Square curve - which applies to light spreading out from a point source with no reflective surfaces. Once you include additional light sources, you now have overlap, and then you add reflective walls... For all PRACTICAL purposes, in a reflective grow tent, Inverse Square Law is seldom useful for predicting overall light levels at various distances.

The REAL trick is to find the distance that gives the most even light coverage while maintaining light levels within the 500 to 1000 Umoles range.
In theory. In practice, the actual results seldom follow that ideal Inverse Square curve - which applies to light spreading out from a point source with no reflective surfaces. Once you include additional light sources, you now have overlap, and then you add reflective walls... For all PRACTICAL purposes, in a reflective grow tent, Inverse Square Law is seldom useful for predicting overall light levels at various distances.

The REAL trick is to find the distance that gives the most even light coverage while maintaining light levels within the 500 to 1000 Umoles range.
Get a PAR meter and go to town !
Any news ? Iam from europe, and i want to buy some boards, i was looking those boards from they are fake?
I should receive board for testing around 7 of January. Told to the guy who will sell it about interested people from Europe. Maybe he will allow me to link his shop sooner, but he want to be sure board are within spec, before doing this.BTW, it should be 2 oz copper, 342 lm561c s6 az bin, passive when driven up to 2100mA
I should receive board for testing around 7 of January. Told to the guy who will sell it about interested people from Europe. Maybe he will allow me to link his shop sooner, but he want to be sure board are within spec, before doing this.BTW, it should be 2 oz copper, 342 lm561c s6 az bin, passive when driven up to 2100mA

.my new 9" x10" board has 340 leds
This europian seller also takes 75€! per board but there is no warranty to get true Qboards! I would order them directly from China for 40,-€ incl.shipping. Even if additional custom tax(19%) comes on top, it should be cheaper this way.(~50,- per board)
They do not sell just 1 or 2 boards, at least they did not.
I believe that some more we bought 8 boards with 10% discount and we did not pay by ebay for the discount and I keep saying that they work very well, I will post results.
Im sorry an't understand what ure trying to tellin me.
I am talking about the chinese supplier, not the one on ebay eu.
Btw I would pay 75€ for a lm561c pcb only if it is a Quantum Board sold by HLG since it is a trustworthy seller capable of testing its products.
I would never buy those boards on ebay for 150€, if I had to I could pay a bit more and get many more boards from China but the problem is the same, what diodes do i get?
Give me a couple of days and i will post a picture of those 75€ board from ebay :) a friend of mine have two boards running at 2100mah
This europian seller also takes 75€! per board but there is no warranty to get true Qboards! I would order them directly from China for 40,-€ incl.shipping. Even if additional custom tax(19%) comes on top, it should be cheaper this way.(~50,- per board)
Hi friend,and from china what supplier should i choose ? Jeff ? I will check the boards from ebay and take some pics. Yes i know 75€ its not cheap but will save me a lot of efford with custom boarder. Can be a pain in the ass deal with those guys
Thank you! I am so sick of hearing people talk about the inverse square law, it doesn't work that way with multiple light sources and/or walls. If you are talking about 1 light source and no walls nearby than by all means talk all you want about the inverse square law..
It still applies to multiple light sources. Even though those light sources overlap each other, each point of light is still spreading at 120 degrees (or whatever the lens angle is), meaning the higher you raise the lights, the more of that light hits the sides of the grow room/tent and is reflected - assuming you have reflective sides, in which case it's lost if you don't. In any case, reflective material may only be 70-80% efficient, and there are atmospheric considerations also (minor, but still applicable). So any way you cut it, you will lose some light intensity as you raise the lights.

The REAL trick is to find the distance that gives the most even light coverage while maintaining light levels within the 500 to 1000 Umoles range.
I agree you want to aim for even coverage - however you define it - but not everyone has par meters and of course different strains can handle different light levels, so even though the numbers might be a good guide, IMO you still have to read the plant to see what works best.

In practical terms, there's probably a point where you get even coverage and where you can adjust your light intensity to suit the individual plants. From what I'm starting to see with strip LEDS, good yields can still be had by spreading the same amount of light over a wider area, but you end up with more popcorn and fewer nuggets, so it becomes a compromise between overall yield and how much you want to trim!
Hi friend,and from china what supplier should i choose ? Jeff ? I will check the boards from ebay and take some pics. Yes i know 75€ its not cheap but will save me a lot of efford with custom boarder. Can be a pain in the ass deal with those guys

Jeff seems okay, at least his last board seems to use true LM561c. But I would let him know that you are a member of this forum and that you need true LM561c no 561b or b+!
You can reduce the custom costs with having two invoices. One over the real amount online and one in the package, over only $50. So the tariff is calculated only on $ 50 and you save a lot customs. Jerry from kingbrite has done this many times for me and I'm sure Jeff or any other seller will do the same for you.
Hi friend,and from china what supplier should i choose ? Jeff ? I will check the boards from ebay and take some pics. Yes i know 75€ its not cheap but will save me a lot of efford with custom boarder. Can be a pain in the ass deal with those guys
Jeff the best? yes the best scammer as you can see on his page is Hansion is the biggest scammer of all they have copies of all the boards of the market with epistar and epileds chips ,,, humm,I think these fake Chinese have their days numbered
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has this been confirmed with any board buyers that filed a claim yet? read my question again
I've used Trade Assurance several times. I've received a full refund within 2 weeks.

click the link in his post first before judging ...........maybe the current Chinese culture is at fault?, not racism when dealing with religion by the original definition.
Why would I click a link that a known racist posts? Why would a normal person constantly make snide remarks about Judaism while using a Nazi avatar? -- Jewish people are an ethnoreligious group and a nation originating from the Israelites, or Hebrews, of the Ancient Near East. So yes, it is about race. -- But if it makes you feel better I will start referring to the racist as a bigot.