That's pretty good! The diodes can handle up to 200mA but I have no idea about the board limits. But I've seen 9A prints next to the connectors on some of these boards, Zeus boards for instance run with 4,5A. So as long as the temps are in a good range(<85°C) it should be okay to drive them a harder.
Ya, I went with a little bigger than typical on the driver and still think they'll have room to run.
320h-2800a wired in parallel with 2 QB304's.
2800 ÷ 8(2)
I think the epistars have a 180mA max rating so even wide open she should handle it all. I didn't use the traces to connect the QB304's, it woulda been neater but I thought the heavy gage was a little better than the trace.
Because of the price I'm going to buy another one and see what it takes to get it to electrically fail. I can use (1) 320w driver and crank it lol But definitely a slate 2 would be nice or a bigger sink, 8 fans is getting a little ridic
(Btw my YouTube autoplay finally landed me on the ledgarder. Had no clue who errybody was talking about lol thought it was a guy on here. Anyways pretty much going to try to destroy a folite one like he tried an hlg
Would be interesting to test flux at those overrated currents if temp was managed under 100°F/37.8°C. Or maybe they already do lol...
Same diode, same wattage, different temps, which is brighter? Are they equal?