New style Samsung LM561C Board

So Jeff is willing to stake his reputation and sell some boards that don't have LM561c? Just because the buyer is only committing to a couple of boards? Sounds like conjecture to me.

This was the basis for my optimism that they were indeed LM561C. The guy is looking to sell to a reseller and pulls this? I would have paid more for legit LM561C so he didn't need to do this.

What we really need is a thread stickied with verified diode macros.
why can't i private message you. gold wires would be visble on LM561C? i just looked at my quantum boards and they are visibly different. no noticeable black dot

even LM561B and B+ on samsung website does not show a visible black dot so i'm not even sure if they could be them... actually i was able to find 2 pictures of 561B on google which look similar, one on digikey site and one on a chinese site

Heheh! Because no email address is stored!
Safety first where I live! You can post to my profile page if you want.
But if you mentioning my user name and add an "@" , I will notice it!

The pictures on Samsungs website and in the datasheet are unfortunately only renderings, no macro shots.
But if the ESD device is almost invisible and you can see the gold wires this is a good sign. If now the inner corners are rounded and you see an indicated rectangle in the middle, then the most important features are fulfilled.
This was the basis for my optimism that they were indeed LM561C. The guy is looking to sell to a reseller and pulls this? I would have paid more for legit LM561C so he didn't need to do this.

What we really need is a thread stickied with verified diode macros.


Its a shame the industry is the way that it is. On one side you've got US resellers charging way more than they should and the other you've got manufacturers trying to rip you off at every opportunity they can.

Sort of makes me feel like sticking with MH/HPS.
Another interesting point I made earlier that might have slipped Photon Fantoms have the dot and appear to be like these verified NOT Lm561C diodes. Is PF selling the wrong diode?
I'm sure you can get these boards with real LM561c if you follow my advice above. A customer who buys only a few boards is uninteresting, they want big customers. If you are being lied to, you also have to lie to get to your destination. It's like Poker, you have to bluff them to get the more valuable Samsung diodes into the pot(on the board).
If they think you want to buy hundreds of boards, but you need to test them before you buy hundreds, you'll probably get boards that really fit the description.
As someone who lived in China for a long time, that's simply the way many do business there. Their main aim is to secure the contract by supplying the correct materials and, once they have that contract, start looking for shortcuts to improve their margins relative to the original specs. It might be using a little less copper here, or swapping a few diodes there, but if there's a way to scam a few extra $ - and that goes for reproducing genuine items on the factory floor and selling them out the back door directly to local retailers or as no-name brands - then they will.

See in China, the market is so large that potential sellers do not have to rely on return business, so can scam people at will knowing there will always be another customer around the corner. Some vendors are scrupulous, but they are few and far between. There is a lot of competition to earn a living in China, and a few scammed $ goes a long way in their Second-World economy.

But what the PCB manufacturers have yet to cotton on to is that fact that, by supplying a few correct boards here and there to people on this site (and others), there is a potentially huge market of individuals prepared to buy directly off them if the price is right and they can be assured of a genuine item.

Word of mouth is powerful. There are only so many bulk buyers, but potentially thousands of individual buyers who would buy a few boards here and there and would pay a premium compared to the bulk purchasers - making it very worth the Chinese vendors' while to look after them.

But many Chinese manufacturers only think of the short term. You see it in all their products. Nothing - not even houses - are built to last. Everything is made as cheaply as possible to drive margins and planned obsolescence repeat business. And we (the buyers) encourage it by always looking for the cheapest price, forcing suppliers to find ever-cheaper manufacturers. Who go to places like China . . . and the cycle continues.
Hey guys, after many attempts to get a close up pic of the board’s diodes from the chinese vendors, some said the 561c is no longer on stock, and only one of them (mufue) sent me this... what’s your opinion ?


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yes another user asked me already in PM. i did try the other day when this came up but my digital camera only has auto-focus and is a piece of shit for getting close shots. maybe i can try using my clip on 30-60x loupe or my ipad to take a better shot. the plant will be waking up in 3-4 hours. they're flowering but maybe i can wake them up an hour early.


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Hi, hope this helps - HLG QB120 lm561c kinda of a close up
