New to Aerogarden


Active Member
whats up.
i just read your post im kinda newbie myself with this whole aerogarden shit but i can without a dout say your plants will grow. im about 2 1/2 weeks into flowering i had 3 plants and im embarrassed to say one of them actually broke due to the weight of the top of the plant. on that note ill throw my first suggestion. fox farm grow big nutrients.
it will help your roots grow strong which will bennefit you later. use salad/green's setting for water flow. get a sandstone air pump, and blue spectrum CFL lights. im using 5 plus aero lights and im adding more. get yourself a ph tester just for piece of mind. you can do all this for cheap. also youll need a figure 8 extension cord you can get it at radioshack. and a timer to put your lights on i got mine for 7 bucks.
so if u care a run down
figure 8 extension cord $8
appliance timer $7 to $40
fox farm grow big nutrients $12 to $20 for small bottle
CFL lights $10 to $20
you may also need a power strip for all the electric
keep your lights as close to the plants as you can and use a long light cycle i kept mine on for 23 hrs a day i needed to turn them on manually thats why you need a timer its a pain in the ass. keep everything clean and most of all have patience.
i'll be able to tell the sex of mine in a few days keep your fingers crossed for me
im more then open to criticism. any pointers or suggestions will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
whats up.
i just read your post im kinda newbie myself with this whole aerogarden shit but i can without a dout say your plants will grow. im about 2 1/2 weeks into flowering i had 3 plants and im embarrassed to say one of them actually broke due to the weight of the top of the plant. on that note ill throw my first suggestion. fox farm grow big nutrients.
it will help your roots grow strong which will bennefit you later. use salad/green's setting for water flow. get a sandstone air pump, and blue spectrum CFL lights. im using 5 plus aero lights and im adding more. get yourself a ph tester just for piece of mind. you can do all this for cheap. also youll need a figure 8 extension cord you can get it at radioshack. and a timer to put your lights on i got mine for 7 bucks.
so if u care a run down
figure 8 extension cord $8
appliance timer $7 to $40
fox farm grow big nutrients $12 to $20 for small bottle
CFL lights $10 to $20
you may also need a power strip for all the electric
keep your lights as close to the plants as you can and use a long light cycle i kept mine on for 23 hrs a day i needed to turn them on manually thats why you need a timer its a pain in the ass. keep everything clean and most of all have patience.
i'll be able to tell the sex of mine in a few days keep your fingers crossed for me
im more then open to criticism. any pointers or suggestions will be appreciated.
Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Ok guys here is the scenario if you look back on 1/10/09 I had a few seeds in the AG and I planted two in soil. Once of the plants in soil sprouted. Here is the thing though once was a lowryder and one was a white widow. Since it didnt show me its sex within 3 weeks I assumed it was the WW. Today is exacty a month and I see two white hairs on the plant. This indicates its a female. I dont know if its WW or Lowryder. The lights have been on for 24 hours since the sprout. I also hav been using fox farm grow big. Here are my questions:

1. Should I keep the light on 24 hours? I would assume so since it started flowering with 24 hour lighting.
2. Since I saw the first indication of flowering should I start using fox farm big bloom or tiger bloom? or both?
3. Do you think this is a lowryder then?

Another issue:
I have another plants which is a hermie, however in the same pot there is a female plant. Should I trip down the hermie and leave only branches so the female plant can bloom nicely? Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Ok guys here is the scenario if you look back on 1/10/09 I had a few seeds in the AG and I planted two in soil. Once of the plants in soil sprouted. Here is the thing though once was a lowryder and one was a white widow. Since it didnt show me its sex within 3 weeks I assumed it was the WW. Today is exacty a month and I see two white hairs on the plant. This indicates its a female. I dont know if its WW or Lowryder. The lights have been on for 24 hours since the sprout. I also hav been using fox farm grow big. Here are my questions:

1. Should I keep the light on 24 hours? I would assume so since it started flowering with 24 hour lighting.
2. Since I saw the first indication of flowering should I start using fox farm big bloom or tiger bloom? or both?
3. Do you think this is a lowryder then?

Another issue:
I have another plants which is a hermie, however in the same pot there is a female plant. Should I trip down the hermie and leave only branches so the female plant can bloom nicely? Any suggestions?

cut the hermie man!!! before that freak impregnates your female plant, if it is showing the white haris, its the low ryder, WW isnt an auto flowering strain, go 12/12, not sure on the FF nutes, but i would start using them, i dont see why not


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2063595]cut the hermie man!!! before that freak impregnates your female plant, if it is showing the white haris, its the low ryder, WW isnt an auto flowering strain, go 12/12, not sure on the FF nutes, but i would start using them, i dont see why not[/quote]

Thanks for the advice SICC, should I trip the buds off the hermie? or should I cut the whole thing. If I cut the whole thing wont the roots rot for the other plant?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, they might, but you cant really do anything else, you dont want it to pollinate your other plant


Well-Known Member
If its been flowering under 24/0 yes, its a lowryder, I have never heard of auto-white widow.

I would suggest doing 20/4, just to they have SOME darkness.

And yea I would just get rid of that hermie unless you are dying for seeds, its going to seed that entire female plant its living with, plus possibly contaminate your space for future grows.

Thats why its never a good idea to grow 2 seeds in the same container.


Well-Known Member
If its been flowering under 24/0 yes, its a lowryder, I have never heard of auto-white widow.

I would suggest doing 20/4, just to they have SOME darkness.

And yea I would just get rid of that hermie unless you are dying for seeds, its going to seed that entire female plant its living with, plus possibly contaminate your space for future grows.

Thats why its never a good idea to grow 2 seeds in the same container.
Yeah I understand.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2063859]Yea, i kno haha, cut the hermie man, the other plant should be fine[/quote]

Thanks SICC


Well-Known Member
Question about spraying diluted nutes with water on plants. Can I dilute the tiger bloom and spray it on the growing buds? Will this help the plant grow big buds?


Well-Known Member
not too sure, i think they have specific nutes you can spray on, i dont think any nutes can be used, but i could be wrong


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2075651]Yea no prob man, try to help as much as i can haha, hows the lady lookin?[/quote]

the lady is looking good, however the buds are not that dense. Its under a 250 HPS and giving it tiger bloom along with big bloom nutes.