New to C02


Well-Known Member
I have a couple years under my belt and have learned a lot. I finally bought the whole set up. tank, regulator and controller. I currently have a Sealed 10'x10' main room with a lighthouse 4x8x7 tent INSIDE of the 10x10' room for vegging.

I am running a perp grow. So every 2-3 weeks, I bring in 3 plants to flower, so I can pull a few plants every 3 weeks. However, I have heard it isn't worth it/nor should i be running c02 during last 2 weeks of flower? How do I get around this/or can i?

Example: crop a flowers for 3 weeks. then bring in crop b 3 weeks later and crop c 3 weeks after crop b. By the time I bring crop c my a crop will be in last 2 weeks of flower BUT my B & C crops still need Co2?

I hope this make sense. Just trying to figure this out. thanks and plus reps to those that help.


I never heard of co2 stopping ripening, but turning it off like cutting lights will speed it. I have never had a problem with different strains in the room that finish weeks apart without ever turning it down. . In about the same setup, I go through a fifty pound tank every five weeks at 1600ppm. It is not needed at the end,,so shutting it of saves about ten buck a week. But I don't do that until the last plant starts to get flushed.

I am delusional. I never participate in these kinds of activities except,for,inside my mind.....


sorry, that's about five bucks a week. find a welding supply store in the run down industrial part of town. I pay $52 for two fifties. Roberts is $22 for a twenty. Lots of fun carrying them fifties. Separates the men from the boys!


The welding shop where I come from charges even less he gives me 20 lb tank for 7.00 dollars I live in Providence near Brown.Iam sure it matters where you live


Well-Known Member
Like jaybray said. Theres no real way around it. But honestly i dont think its necessary anyways. I wouldnt stress it