OK so never cloned always grew from seed but now that just seems like it takes to long so want to learn how to clone
I want to know where to cut
What to cut with
Should I use rooting solution or honey ?
Should u just out them in solo cups with some soil like most of the medical clubs ?
Info and pics always appreciated
Oh and I have 15 plants under 1000w Metal Halide as if now and want some clones off a couple then gonna weed out the weakest also want to ad a pic of this mini plant its like two months old and super small
I want to know where to cut
What to cut with
Should I use rooting solution or honey ?
Should u just out them in solo cups with some soil like most of the medical clubs ?
Info and pics always appreciated
Oh and I have 15 plants under 1000w Metal Halide as if now and want some clones off a couple then gonna weed out the weakest also want to ad a pic of this mini plant its like two months old and super small