new to cloning

OK so never cloned always grew from seed but now that just seems like it takes to long so want to learn how to clone
I want to know where to cut
What to cut with
Should I use rooting solution or honey ?
Should u just out them in solo cups with some soil like most of the medical clubs ?

Info and pics always appreciated

Oh and I have 15 plants under 1000w Metal Halide as if now and want some clones off a couple then gonna weed out the weakest also want to ad a pic of this mini plant its like two months old and super small


Well-Known Member
hey buddy. ive been growing from seed for 4 yrs and had my first successful clone about 3 weeks ago.
i would use a new razor blade for a cleanliness and a nice sharp cut.

are you familiar with topping the plant? if so its kinda like an extreme version of that.
you wanna go to one of the side (not main colas) and count down 4 nodes from the top.
and cut it @ a 45 degree angle with a razor blade. then chop off all leaves except the 2nd node down
so it can still pull water to the top. any other leaves just gonna weigh it down.

now you can go buy cloning gel or whatever. but for my clone, it worked just going in a Ez rooter
and leaving it in clean water for 10 days. dumping/refilling the water every other day as i didnt
have a machine to keep the water move and it gets gross about every other day.
and she rooted up and is looking really good. good luck. feel free to check out my thread
and hmu with any questions.

added three pics. one is the day i transplanted it. about day 12 from cutting it and putting it into the ez rooter.
once u see roots like that. its safe to tranplant. and the 2nd picture. its obv the plant on the right.
and than the last picture is from like 2 days ago. shes doing great.


Ya I just fimmed my biggest plant and know how to top see I think people think that we may be noobs cause of this question but like you have been growing outdoors for a while now and had no need for this till now thank you for the info and time you took to reply much props to your crops