New to DWC/Bubbles need help.


Active Member
I have grown in soil twice and want to start a mother plant in a DWC/Bubble system.
I want to have one plant in a 5gal bucket with the air stone and pump.
What I need to know is...
1) Can I run just bubble the whole time, or do I need a water pump as well...
2) How long do I run the pump(s) for (If air pump only do I leave it on all the time???)
Help is appreciated, and rep for help.


All you need to Know for Basic Building

This is simpler than you think.

NOTE: Pump runs 24/7 along with Fan to keep air Circ going. Look at the DWC Pump as the Oxygen life support for the plant. If it fails you plants roots can't get Oxygen. Roots will Stop taking in nutes, water and die

- Also I recommend to Change Airstones with Each Flushing and clean the other stone. Just buy two to swap between flushes.


Active Member
All you need to Know for Basic Building

This is simpler than you think.

NOTE: Pump runs 24/7 along with Fan to keep air Circ going. Look at the DWC Pump as the Oxygen life support for the plant. If it fails you plants roots can't get Oxygen. Roots will Stop taking in nutes, water and die

- Also I recommend to Change Airstones with Each Flushing and clean the other stone. Just buy two to swap between flushes.
Thanks, +1


Right On. One more thing... Prep Another Bucket to use for when you flush. Then all you have to do is Add Water(PH reduced ofcourse) the Night Before your Flush into that Bucket (No nutes at first for me at this point). Let it get the room temp overnight. In the morning I just run the airstone and tubing into other bucket and swtich the lid (with pot/roots) to the new flushed bucket.

- Let roots run without Nutes for half a day then add em in.
