New to growing, a couple questions


Active Member
Hello everyone, I am sort of new to the growing scene though last year I got a beat plant that wasnt much to talk about and got it alive enough to give me some spare buds.

Anyways I started about a week ago for the first time germinating so I am going to say this is about day 7. Right now I have them in a closet in a box. I have 5 of them and most of them are already a good inch or more tall in clear cups made from water bottles. I learned you shouldent have clear cups so I am working on fixing that soon.

The light until just a little while ago was probably around a foot from the sprouts. After reading for a couple hours on here one of the things I found was to lower the light so now it is probably about 3-4 inches above from plant to bulb. I read about needing a fan but how neccesary is this? I am trying to do it on the stealth BTW. I have a big lasko 3 stage fan that I figure I can put on them sometimes I figure on low. Right now it is on them with the box open and the fan pointed angled in with a blanket keeping the flow directly inward.

I heard that the constant air is a must. How can I do this in the closet? Will the fan do? What if I dont use that?

I am looking to put these in the ground as quick as possible. Reason being I am kinda sketchy on having them in my house and I dont want anyone to know about them, besides I want to grow outdoors anyways. So knowing that, when could I put them in the ground? The frost is over and right now during mid day its about 62 F.

As far as a spot I think I found around where I want to plant them and I want to know what you all think. It is on the side of a little swamp where sunshine gets to all day and it dosnt look like it floods there. There are also cedars nearby which I heard somehow helps camo your plants from being spoted. Something to do with heat maybe? Anyways I also figure I will put up a fence around them as well and piss on the ground around it because I heard that could help to keep deer away. Anyways I use to do it last year and it seemed to work.

I know these are alot of questions but I want to see what I can do given the right knowledge and my circumstances. I am sure I am forgetting something as well. Anyways thanks for any help possible!


New Member
If you are growing from seeds and not from clones, you'll need a small fan gently blowing across the seedlings. This is to strengthen the stems. The flowing air causes the stems to stress and get stronger. Think of weight training. All you really need is a small fan from a used computer.



Well-Known Member
you need the fan, at least to move the air around in the closet..... also, to strengthen the plants stem. put them in the ground as soon as you feel you wont get another frost. I don't know where you live, but it should be pretty soon.

the cedars help cause they are short, and burshy, and green.


Active Member
Alright, that all sounds good. So as far as putting them outdoors I could do it anytime now regardless of plant size? If that is the case I am going to see if I can get hooked up with a small computer fan or something for a couple days while I ready the site and get everything else in line that I am going to need. The lows for every day in the next 10 days are above 40F with the exeption of the 25th being 39F. Even a 70 degree day next week according to the forecast. Thanks for the help so fast guys, I really apprecate it and I am glad I joined already!


Active Member
Well, I went ahead and broght them out to the spot, figuring there isnt going to be a frost anytime according to the weather. If there is, they are still in cups for now until I dig the area so I could bring them back in for the frost. I ended up just taping the cups outsides so it would be dark as well as cutting some slits in the bottom to make sure the soil wasnt over watered. Even if it isnt perfect they wont be in the cups long. I also put some sticks around the cups and peed around them to try and deter the pests. :mrgreen: Anyways, wish me luck. I believe with my watchful eye for awhile they will be fine. Let me know if anyone has anymore suggestions.


Well-Known Member
thats the natural way to make them stronger though i never grow outdoors because i live in town. sounds like your doing ok though as long as you don't get an unexpected frost. we just had out last frost here but i have no hiding places outdoors it really sucks living in town sometime. anyway good luck with your grow. Peace


Active Member
Thanks, I was hoping all night it wasnt too cold for my babies but I am going to go check on them in a little while... It got down to like 38 I think brrrrrrr.