New to growing and to this forum

im new too i did the same thing as you i did start from scratch but i also used miracle my plants is 33 day old and about 1ft. 6 inches im so inlove with it now im really exited and hoping it will happen:weed:

If you care about the diy co2 here's my mix:

There is info about it on the page that post is on as well as the page before it.

I think the co2 did marginally help my grow, not sure though.

Good luck bro.
thanks purp and, i been on here everyday for a week n i fall in love wit this whole thing more everyday elove, my gurlfriends even startin to get on my ass cuz i pay it to much attention lol. i got the ligth cycles down purp, they been under 24h since tuesday or so n they have realy started to grow. the hydroponic store was closed today unfortunatly but monday im gonna get some mylar for my set ut n also start them on juss a bit of vegetative frtlzr. but monday ill have my aerogarden n will be startiin off that project
thanks purp and, i been on here everyday for a week n i fall in love wit this whole thing more everyday elove, my gurlfriends even startin to get on my ass cuz i pay it to much attention lol.

when i first discovered this site..i was on riu on my phone on a way back from a i got reading and when i got home..started an account on mu cpu and after girl said i was spending more time online researching this than she did to get her online degree.LOL
haha yea my gurl juss says all i talk bout now is growin n she startin to get sick of it, but i told her in a few months she gonna be lovin them planst 2 lol.yo i c u got a pic of pimp as ur pic, mad love homie that was my maine nigga n i still hurtin from him leavin like that so suddlenly. Smoke somethang bitch!!! lol
oh yea somethang alse... i finally got baterys for my termometer n the temp in my grow room stays at bout 87 degrees, whats to hot for the plants? i hurd somewhere the ideal temp was about 78...
woke up this mornin and both my bitches got new sets!! lol
oh yea somethang alse... i finally got baterys for my termometer n the temp in my grow room stays at bout 87 degrees, whats to hot for the plants? i hurd somewhere the ideal temp was about 78...
woke up this mornin and both my bitches got new sets!! lol

Yea man that shit about pimp fucked me up for real cause hes from round my way and we used to go to his lil gigs at local clubs and shit showin support ya know..But hopefully BUN gonna hold it down..

87 degrees is kinda hot but will work thats what my temps runnin..Get a swamp cooler off e-bay...or put a lil fan in there pointed up towards the light.foliage can get wind burn.
bum been holdin that shit down since pimp was locked up anyway but pimp was the other half of that monster n i knwo u feel me lol. i have a lil fan on top of my set up that blows juss a lil wind of the plant from on top so it hits the leaves, did u say that can give them wind burn? the top sets are lookin GREAT but the bottom leaves r startin to look yellowish a lil n one of them has a brown sircle on it n it kinda apear sto be juss a tiny bit on the tip of a small leave. im still debatin if i should give them veg nuts since i have em on miracle grow. let me know mane, u really helpin me alot.
keep reppin da land of the trill my nig
bum been holdin that shit down since pimp was locked up anyway but pimp was the other half of that monster n i knwo u feel me lol. i have a lil fan on top of my set up that blows juss a lil wind of the plant from on top so it hits the leaves, did u say that can give them wind burn? the top sets are lookin GREAT but the bottom leaves r startin to look yellowish a lil n one of them has a brown sircle on it n it kinda apear sto be juss a tiny bit on the tip of a small leave. im still debatin if i should give them veg nuts since i have em on miracle grow. let me know mane, u really helpin me alot.
keep reppin da land of the trill my nig

Yea man if the moisture is too low and u got a fan on the leaves to high it will get wind burn...just a small oscillating fan will work,
Yea man if the moisture is too low and u got a fan on the leaves to high it will get wind burn...just a small oscillating fan will work,

It's also best if you can get the fan to blow up on the girls from below, instead of down from above.

and one more bongsmilie for pimp c
i got like a lil 6inch fan on top of them but im bout to move it n put it under them. im still havin my bottom smaller leaves turn light green wit lil brown circles that look like burns. u think this could be the fan? the temp? lack of nuts? i also have a black blankit covering my set up so it traps the light and i havent checked ph at all. goin to hydro shop tomorrow to get ph test kit for water n a ph reader for soil some mylar n some veg nuts. let me know if anybody got any suggestions on what i should do?
i got like a lil 6inch fan on top of them but im bout to move it n put it under them. im still havin my bottom smaller leaves turn light green wit lil brown circles that look like burns. u think this could be the fan? the temp? lack of nuts? i also have a black blankit covering my set up so it traps the light and i havent checked ph at all. goin to hydro shop tomorrow to get ph test kit for water n a ph reader for soil some mylar n some veg nuts. let me know if anybody got any suggestions on what i should do?

whats the temp? When temp rises the moisture decreases..simple as that...Keep it cool in there or mist with foliar spray if too 80 gedrees + and youll be just fine..You wanna keep that moisture at like 50% during vegg.
A white blanket would be better to cover things. The black will absorb light and heat. White will reflect the light and keep heat away more.

Also, as long as only the bottom leaves are looking weird it's not too bad. It's when higher leaves and new growth is messed up that you really need to freak out.

Still, it would be good to try and figure out. I think the ph stuff will help.
thanks guys, that black Bob Marley blanket is comin off lol. i moved that fan 2 and the temp in there staybetween 85 n 90, 90 specialy wen i had that blanket on top so wen that comes off it should stay about 85 87. i dunno if its to dry in there n i been thinkin bout gettin a small humidifier but whats an easier n cheaper way to up the humidity? it jus kinda worries me cuz even tho they are growin nicely a bigger set of leaves is startin to show some of the same syptoms.... hit me bak
thanks guys, that black Bob Marley blanket is comin off lol. i moved that fan 2 and the temp in there staybetween 85 n 90, 90 specialy wen i had that blanket on top so wen that comes off it should stay about 85 87. i dunno if its to dry in there n i been thinkin bout gettin a small humidifier but whats an easier n cheaper way to up the humidity? it jus kinda worries me cuz even tho they are growin nicely a bigger set of leaves is startin to show some of the same syptoms.... hit me bak

A humidifier would be easy, just set it in there and refill when needed. If you are home all day with them and want to spray them with water all the time that would work too.

If you get a humidifier, you will most likely only need it when lights are on.

Either way if you spray or get a humidirfier... if you are using tap water, make sure to let it sit out in an open container for 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate. I use RO, but have heard that spraying with tap water right out of the faucet can do bad things.

At least the black blanket was a bob blanket. Gave the grow some good luck.
haha bob blanket = good luck thats why i used it. i have been feedin them filtered water from a water jug wit a filter on it from the fridge. usually fill it with new water let it filter n then give it them. i actually gone from home all day wile im at work but i spray them at least twice a day once in the mornin and once at night wen i put water in the soil. they are also on 24h light. ill put up some new pics wen i get home. it seams like they growin, i juss hope the miracle grow soil i used isent gonna be my downfall as i been readin nothin but bad things about it. but my aerogarden will be here today!!! im stil watin on white widow seeds from nirvana that i ordered last tuesday i think.
If you are using a brita or something like that those take out 94-96% of chlorine, so that would be fine to spray or humidify with.

I would try spraying them or a couple days to see if it makes a difference or if it is enough. If not get a humidifier, probably the best since you go lights on 24 hours. Hard to keep up with spraying. And you can spray them like every 20 min or so.

ALso there are tons of haters on miracle grow. It wasn't made for pot, but I've seen people grow real good plants from it. The hardest part is knowing when to start feeding your plants nutrients becuase you don't know when the miracle grow stuff runs out. But I heard it's easy enough to do. You would think miracle grow killed mj plants or something with how people slam it on here. I don't do soil so I can't really help with it, but I know you can grow good herb using miracle grow.

nice work on ordering an aerogarden though. Thats whats up.
thanks bra, i juss got the aerogarden today and i set up 2 sites with some trial run bag seeds juss watin on the wite widow seeds i ordered for it. but i can use any tips with this aerogarden, i read up on the aerogarden threat so i got enough info to start the germination process, lets juss hope this seeds will sprout.
ive been sprayin the plants and they seam to be ok. the new grow looks good even tho it still has those lil brown spots in some leaves. i wish i had a better cam to put up better pictures. Another question i have is, wen im ready to start giving them nuts, how much should i give per plant? im sure it all depends on the type of nuts i juss hope i dont end up givin them to much or to litle...
ive been sprayin the plants and they seam to be ok. the new grow looks good even tho it still has those lil brown spots in some leaves. i wish i had a better cam to put up better pictures. Another question i have is, wen im ready to start giving them nuts, how much should i give per plant? im sure it all depends on the type of nuts i juss hope i dont end up givin them to much or to litle...

Too little is ok... you just give more. To much is no good. you have to flush and it can cause permanent damage. Whatever nutes you get they will have something online to help you measure things out.

You just start small and go up.

There's brown spots on the brand new growth? What exactly do the spots look like, dark brown, light brown, on the edges of the leaves only... in the middle?

the brown spots seam to be in the middle of the leaves, their not really on the tips... what could this mean? i still havent done anything to measure my ph. im gonna go to the hydro shop this weekend and get a ph up n down kit for my water and one of those sticks to read the soils ph. Also, what us flushing? n how is it done? im sure it means to flush all the nuts from ur plants but how is that done? thanks for helpin da newbie=)