You will grow a few grammes of iffy weed using anything less than 600W or equivalent. Is that worth 12 weeks of hiding something that could potentially get you into trouble.
You might think you grow weed, but it is the other way around. Once you are in, there is no getting out of the club. You could probably make back your layout with a decent small scale setup in about 2 cycles while having enough weed over to smoke the whole time. I have to sell a car just to set up a 4 light grow, that is between 3 and $4000 minimum unless you buy crap you need to replace every 6 months and risk setting your house on fire. As you can see it scales down in cost a bit as you increase the grow.
You can plant a seed outdoors late in the season, it will grow small and give you a tiny bit of weed too. (don't grow a Sativa, I've seen one tree out in 2 months) That is the cheapest way.
its not possible for me to grow outdoor.
how much a small scale setup would cost me?
looks like i am out of the club before even getting in!!
in my country i can get 100g (maybe way more, enough to smoke 2-3 joints a day for a month and a half) of good weed for 5usd!!
the thing is i have to drive two hours back and forth and pass two police check points, so its risky, and i am dependent on a dealer, maybe ill try search harder in my area even if i gonna pay way more than 5usd for the same amount.
i think i ll stick to the shrooms for now, thanks for the help guys, i am out, good luck in your growth..