New to growing, help!


Active Member
Alright I'm new to growing.

My Growing Room is my bedroom.

I have a very small pot about 3 to 4 inches high and there's a hole in the bottom, it's on my dresser hidden and the window is open giving it sunlight.
I have a desktop lamp hoovering over it, about 2-3 inches away from it. (Note that it's a desktop lamp not an expensive light with a reflective hood)
and I don't know how often to water my plants please someone tell me that.
I planted about 3 seeds and they're beginning to grow. One is a very long vine about 4 -5 inches with a little ball on the top, cracked seed on it (i think) and the other is about an inch high and already forming into a plant.

My main concern is the light/lamp I have. Is the lamp not necessary because I have sunlight shining in? I also have a fan on at all times.
Eventually I think I'm going to have to get a bigger pot/plant holder and another question is, how do I know when neccesary to pick the plants and dry/cure it?
Someone HELP!


Well-Known Member
you dont have to spend alot on light just get some cfls there good for veggin and are pretty cheap. you can get them at hardwar stores even wallmart good luck with your grow try for for some pics man


Active Member
Lol I would put pics, but I live in America and I don't know if it's illegal to post pics. That's picture evidence. Am I wrong? Someone inform me on the legal part.


Well-Known Member
Lol I would put pics, but I live in America and I don't know if it's illegal to post pics. That's picture evidence. Am I wrong? Someone inform me on the legal part.
alot of us are in the US there are quite a few threads dedicated to paranoia but a personal (small) grower is not what the authorities are looking for show us some pics:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yea im in the us i just wouldnt put ur face or nothin in em u kno lol
yea dont put any incriminating evidence in ur pics like stuff in background that can give you away. also anyone tht connects to this server can have have their ip seen by the d.e.a same thing happend to overgrow but you can set up a proxy type connection if ur really paranoid but any real grower would know risky it is to post his crops over a unsecure internet site.:joint: