New to growing , Just wondering is there any advice or tips


Hi there , 1st grow , just wondering if its going ok , im just growing it basicaly , if theres any advice or tips or anything im doin wrong can ya let me know , its 3 weeks old coming on to 4 , i fed it with miricle grow 24-8-16 (more N for veg state) feed it every 4-5 days (usually when soil is dry only been fed twice with nutes dnt wana over do it and burn them and here some pics , not good quality but all i got =[ :eyesmoke:



Also do you think i should top it soon , its taller than it appears , put abit more soil around it and covered some stem up altogether about 8-9 inches, thanks


Well-Known Member
I can't give technical tips, but can repeat one important thing to keep in WILL smell!


Active Member
More light, lots more light, and possibly a fan to move the air around! plant looks like its reaching for that light a bit! Goood luck bongsmilie


airwave , have been doing alot of research but 1. money is tight and 2. would like some real actuall responses of people who know what there doing ,
Ive added two more cfl's onto it equal around the plant and i do have a fan , but shuld i constitantly have the fan on , wont it get to cold fr the plants in there , usually ill have the fan on for 3hours , off for 1 hour , and etc.. until sleep time then it goes off , anything else i should do ? or possibly get, but budget is very low =] thanks guys

p.s so should i top the plant soon ?


Well-Known Member
Best piece of advice - read the FAQ and get up2 speed on ur growing terms. Otherwise it will swamp you..


Nice one m8 it helped thanks =]
got a few questions still im not to sure on
1. when flowering , does it have to be completly dark 12 hrs , or instead of dark can u have the UV on , in the 12 hrs off
2. if i topped my plants 4th set of leaves , 4 weeks old would this be ok ?
thnaks for the help all <3


ok heres some changes ive made
1. homemade co2 generator
2.more lights (in pics theres 3 but got 4 on there now) closer to the plant also
3. the fans in the pic now

my stem seems to be changing colour , it was more down them stem but seems to have become smaller , has anyone idea why the colour is changing ? pics avalibe (attach 4)

anythin else that could be bit twinked ? thnaks for help

attachment 1 = set up
attachment 2 = homemade co2 generator
attachment 3= light set up (theres another light there now)
attachment 4 =is above question about the stem colour

