new to growing NEED GUIDANCE !!


any help would be good .... im growing GWS (i think) still on 18 on 6 0ff how long before i can switch 2 12/12 i have pics if anyone can help NEW TO THIS GROWING MALARKY ANY HELP WOULD BE MUCHLY APRICIATED .... JUST A BASIC SETUP I HAV PICS IF IT HELPS :roll:


am honestly not to sure its a ballast n that with it (sodium ) iv got a 250wat bulb in just now and iv got a spare 400w i wos gunna keep the 400 w for flowering but im just goin of what ive heard of mates and a bit of research online any tips mate ? i think the 2 buld have a diffrence in color aswel


Well-Known Member
Time to top it if that's what u plan on doing
You'll get four main stems and huge colas
Oh...and what lights are u running?
Here I am assuming and didn't even ask basic questions...doh


im tryin to be as honest as i can im not clued up on this growin i just used to buy it but sick to death of that now so i just got sum seed n chuckd em under a light lol and it workd .....what is this topping ive read abit about it but cant get my head round it ive another plant wich was planted at the same time and is doin no where near aswel as the one in the pics whats the crack there pal ??