new to growing NEED GUIDANCE !!


Active Member
Well, if you switch the light soon, you will loose a lot of growing time and I am sure that plant will not flower for a while yet! I could be wrong but that looks like it was grown from seed. If it was, the growth at the top of the plant is not showing alternating nodes. If there are no alternating nodes, it is not sexually mature. If it is not sexually mature, it will not flower. Be patient, keep watching the top growth for the stage where you get growth to one side, then the other, but not symetrical growth. Once you see this, it can be flowered. When you see alternating nodes, watch for pistils (pre-flowers), these will tell you if it is M or F. Dont forget, even feminised seeds are not guaranteed female. Oh, put it on 24/7 light, you will get more close growth, reduce the stretch and have a healthier plant. W


cheers mate so u reckon i just leave it for abit another wek or two yet? im alway lookin for pistils lol whats this topping allabout ?? oh i see ur in bonny scotland aswel


Well-Known Member
your plants dont need alternating nodes to flower, you can flower at 16 days old.


cheers dude im just learning so it will be trial and erorr i think iv swithched to 12/12 .... what am i looking for now pistils/white hairs? how long before i actualy see a diffrence also will my plant keep pusing leaves out during flower ??